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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. If Mack goes down it would be nice if they took Volvo with them.
  2. Looks good as a dump hauler but needs the Cummins x15 to compete with Pete.
  3. I see at Nortrux Canada they are still selling 2018 Titans. Are these the last ones that came down the line before their demise? Can you still order Titans in Canada?
  4. Black dog: How many Mack's does O&G still have?
  5. Are the lime green ones Anthems? They look good without the chrome.
  6. Vlad: The devil has enough advertising already.
  7. Like the Super dog on the right much better. If Volvo/ Mack can make a right hand drive Anthem then it should not be to much trouble to make a left hand drive Superliner/Trident. After all they made a left hand drive Titan.
  8. I like the looks from the front view and it doesn't look like its falling on its face from the side view.
  9. There goes some more Mack funding down the drain.
  10. Mr. Hancock thanks for the lesson. Where in NH are you located? My daughter lives in Durham. When I visit her I go truck spotting. Lots of dump activity up there.
  11. Beauty! Questions. Doesn't appear to have a long hood. Why the thermodyne emblam? Was it converted to diesel?
  12. Could put a little more design quality into the grill.
  13. Looks Navistarish to me. Shacker also. Beats the Mack big dog. Oh that's right there is no Mack big dog. Seems as though Volvo can't figure out how to get an Aussie dog over here. All you have to do is hold the interior up to a mirror and copy. KW 980 looks ok to me coming on the heels of numerous ugly T660's and 2000's. Like the looks of the T-880 also.
  14. B dumps like that were popular in NY city and Chicago as well. Thanks for posting
  15. Diesels are more efficient at putting fuel to the wheels than power plants are putting fuel to the batteries.
  16. Will Austalian hoods fit on American Mack's?
  17. Sweet replacement for the LT/B-73/75
  18. KS That's funny!
  19. I did not know you could heavy spec an Anthem.
  20. That is right before that dumb ass White Motor Corporation (that couldn't take care of business) opened the door for Volvo to go nationwide.🤕
  21. Are there any grill options from Mack for the Anthem and Pinnacle? Can't say I am sold on the bow tie grill for the Pinnacle. The old horizontal bars on the CH Pinnacle looked great. Have not seen any bow tie Pinnacles on the road as of yet. Also I never likes the grill on the US Titan. It was not as sharp as the Aussie grills. Which brings to mind would Aussie bonnets fit on the CH?🙂
  22. KS- I take it VW gives Scania full autonomy pretty much as does Daimler with Freightliner and Western Star. Would be a good model for Volvo in regards to Mack.
  23. So sad to see Illinois/Indiana construction Mack's slip slidin away. T880's are all over Ct now to. Not a bad looking truck.
  24. I also saw a Sysco Anthem a couple of weeks ago in Middletown Ct. I've seen about 3 Anthems so far.
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