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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Took a trip to NH from Ct. I 395/ 290 to Durham NH and back. 7 hours of road time. I didn't see one Anthem. This area along with eastern Mass used to be loaded with Mack CH's pulling dump trailers, tankers etc. Not so much any more. Peterbilts have pretty much ko'd the CH and everything else. Quite a few Western Stars and KW's. Almost no Granites pulling trailers. A decked out CH is about the best looking truck on the road. I think they might regain there dominance in the RI- Boston- NH- Maine area if a Cummins option was offered for the MP engines and there injector issues. Noticed that Severino is now buying Western Stars for their newest dumps(long time Mack user). Also noticed long time Mack user Continental paving is buying new KW T 800's. Not looking good for former Mack country.
  2. Thanks fellow Mack nuts
  3. What is a Mack granite 64FR designation?
  4. No wonder they have no money left over for Mack! They will spread themselves so thin like Mack and White did and the Chinese will jump in with both feet.
  5. KS- Used to like BT's green and yellow paint scheme. There COE Freightliners looked sharp. Wasn't a fan of the low rider IH COE's though. I am not sure what else they ran.
  6. Should be able to turn those Mack's into Shackers in no time Does appear to be a pretty decent operation per their website
  7. Theakerstwo: Back in the Roadway time frame you were referring to (F leetstar/ B67)-I believe the H ,F and B Mack's of that era all had Mack engines(May bee some F's with Cummins), the whites and IH's all had Cummins engines, this was before the era of V6&8 Detroit's in the Mack's or Whites. That era did have some cracker boxes with Detroit's. I don't recall ever seeing any Roadway Cannonballs.
  8. I believe St Johnsbury had 903's in their U models. I used to see and hear them out of the Springfield Mass terminal. They were low hood U's. KS- did the 8V-71's require a U high hood. I thought they did due to the 60 degree block with the supercharger on top.
  9. Probably why they had every truck brand under the sun. Never saw a Peterbilt.
  10. So it sounds like the most important thing to remember is not the year necessarily but weather the engine is an AI e-tech or an AC e-tech
  11. So who are the big players in Western Europe. Renault-Volvo-DAF-VW-MAN-Scania-Mercedes Benz- and now Ford
  12. Cargo star is back in red.
  13. Do they still use Mack's in coal country? Probably almost no tractors.
  14. To bad they killed off that nice B61 in maximum overdrive.
  15. Congratulations to Cummins. Nice to see the X15's lined up to go into the new Mack Superliner
  16. Euro cab overs look pretty decent head on but that side view downward slope to the front is just plain ugly.
  17. Definitely CF green from that time. Too bad the CF logo was missing. I don' t think the 673 205 hp would have held up as this was before the piston oil cooling and other 673 turbo improvements.
  18. What will Ford be using in Nascar going forward? The only thing left will be the mustang.
  19. I wonder if the Pete and Acar trashers ride like a bucking bronco on the highway.
  20. Move over Mack or get run over by Western Star.
  21. I wonder what the specs are on that granite tractor with the lowboy.
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