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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. What is with this europeon design that makes the cabs look like they are going to fall on their face. Ugly IMO. I agree with TS7, get out of Turkey. They have Iranian caliphate intensions
  2. Was the original maxidyne block a 673 block? It seems the 711/707 block was never followed up on.
  3. Can you heavy spec a Mack CH (pinnacle) to match that of a Granite.
  4. I like the H62X. There is a good video on you tube. Let furniture and real estate people keep to their line of business expertise and let automotive people run the auto and truck industry. Thank you very much.
  5. I see that the EN 707 gasser and the END-673 had almost identical torque (around 600 ft lb. This would indicate that the two engines had the same stroke and bore. Was the block the same for both engines. The 707 must have been a beast of a gasser. Its life was short lived as it came on the scene to late as diesels such as the 673 were coming on line at the time. I believe IH's biggest gasser was the 501. How did Mack's EN 540 flat head stack up against the big White flat heads. Those Whites had a great sound. I am retired now and I have nothing better to do than think up nostalgia from the past.
  6. Since the customer pays the bills. I still can't see why you can't order a Mack from the factory without a drive train. What is the big stumbling block. It would move right on down the line with the frame resting on dollies. No disruption in my way of thinking. Has anyone ever tried it.
  7. The best looking cab over IMHO. Shame they re coming to an end. What will be there COE replacement.
  8. Fossil fuel is sill required to charge the batteries. Though the electric grid is all tied together generally speaking most local grid power is produced locally due to line losses.
  9. Might help if Volvo would let mack use Cummins.
  10. Storkmack:I thought I read somewhere on here that you are done with the new Macks. Was that right?
  11. Can anyone say pre emissions E-6, E7 E9. Volvo and their injector cups are pathetic. Best of luck.
  12. I grew up in Illinois during the 50's and 60's. Hendrickson's seemed to be almost as popular as Mack's in the construction business.
  13. Thank the Loony left.
  14. Mack heavy haul need not apply. Should be a fun day.
  15. They did have a big Autocar an AP-19 I believe. That unit pulled our retired many ton steam generators out of our Nuclear plant in Haddam Neck Ct. to a railroad siding in Portland Ct. If I remember right there was a Western Star pusher. Marino is still in Middletown Ct however it was bought out by Barnhart. Marino did a lot of work for Northeast Utilities( now Eversource). I saw the two Mack LRVSW's being painted by the Flannery brothers in Portland Ct. Barnhart still may still have one and the other one may have been sold.. I thought I read that one of them did some work in the Carribean islands. Autocar had big plans for the AP's but there production facilities just couldn't support manufacturing them unlike Mack with the LR and M models. Then the dumb asses sold out to White. White never pursued the AP's as far as I know.
  16. That Marino LRVSW was painted Marino colors about 20 years ago in Portland Ct. Actually there were two of them being painted.
  17. Paul: You'll see her again on the other side. .
  18. Another example of China buying/stealing the west's technology then kicks the investor to the curb.
  19. BCR: That B in the junk yard looks like a Celli. If so what a find.
  20. 237 maxidyne?
  21. Paccar killer Love that style front bumper
  22. Doesn't somebody still have the rights to the diamond reo name. Volvo , Oterland or T-Line.
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