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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Were A models lighter than L models. Were they predesesers to the L
  2. 57 BCR: I wonder if you or anyone from Northern ILL remembers a tank truck outfit that used to travel through Wheeling Illinois in the late 50's or early 60's. I think it was called Rogers tank lines. They ran LJ's with twin tank trailers. I believe they hauled petro products. Used to spy them along with Celli and Meyer Macks while waiting for the bus.
  3. Mack's refuse market is dying
  4. Volvo letting China in the door is kind of like the last straw. May be this is karma for Mack when they were willing to build a factory in the Soviet Union during the cold war.
  5. Not your grandfathers simple flathead ford.
  6. Super dogs should have had the Louisville cab.
  7. Do they make the Twin -Y in different weight ratings. As simple as the system seems to be it would only require thicker metal stampings.
  8. Six months to a year is more like it.
  9. KT's were about 1100 cubes or so as I remember. Why were they stopped- Too heavy?
  10. A few more rivets/fasteners might be in order to give it a quality look. I hope the rest of the truck is not put together like this. Grill/ hood /steps/fuel tank fairings/cab seem like they were designed ok. Roof fairing looks like some kids dropped it off a bridge on to the truck.
  11. Mason Dixon had a ton of those. B-67's or 65's. Woops didn't notice Mr. Hancock's thread. Looks like surface rust. How much would a 500-1000 mile shipment be?
  12. Good looking COE. Sort of similar to the latest Argosy. Skin deep anyways.
  13. Certainly not old enough to be considered a truck professional but old enough to be a salesman.
  14. When I was a wee lad in Chicago, electric buses and trolley cars were the norm. I guess what's old is new and what's new is old.
  15. Welcome to the land of retirement. Keep us posted on your projects.
  16. Down uderites: What was the smaller Mack COE made in Australia. Not the Magnum. Where they decent trucks. I thought they were decent looking trucks. Are they still made. I think they were used over the road, in mixers dumps etc. It may have been a Renault model.
  17. fjh:: Good speculation since they put almost zero investment in the MR and only a little cosmetics on the LE.
  18. Better looking than the white one.
  19. Lets see is Volvo good or bad for Mack? Mao would be pleased.
  20. Uh rolling start Uh Big Mac Uh happy meal Uh Volvo engine Uh Volvo auto Uh gold bulldog. Would you like fries with that bulldog.
  21. Never knew about the Massey Ferguson and Caterpillar connection. Interesting.
  22. Looks like Canadian tanks
  23. I thought they were being built in house (Hagerstown) (Volvo?) Go back to Eaton
  24. Vlad I have a hard time coordinating right leg left leg right leg left leg.
  25. I Believe the New Anthem starts production next week along with new interiors for granite and Pinnacle. Granite- New interior Pinnacle-New grill, interior and roof line for sleeper Anthem-New hood, interior and roof line for sleeper
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