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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Jeff M Agree with you. More like 25K to 35K range Black dog. You have some of the nicest Macks in CT. What does your fleet consist of. I remember the Green DM down at the Coast Guard Academy a few years back. Awsome sounder. Mack 285?
  2. Believe it or not Quality Carriers started out as a milk hauler out of Wisconsin. Blue B models and H models.
  3. Happy Birthday fellow old timer!
  4. Happy B Day fellow old timer!

  5. Nice find on the 91 RD! She's a beauty
  6. Good to keep an EH for Mack history
  7. If I remember right the B-57 was a heavy speced truck for concrete trucks. Again if I remember right it offered a frame which was the for runner of the DM. I think I remember this info from somewhere on this site.🙂
  8. Do the Suzio's allow Mack gawkers?🙂
  9. There was an EN-540 I believe. I am not sure if this was a big seller and what the specs were.
  10. What is the difference between a B-42 and a B-421. Was the EN-540 flathead the most popular engine? 🙂
  11. Thanks for preserving Mack history!
  12. The Commie NWO is trying to take us down on all fronts without firing a shot, with the help of political traitors. DEF is just a part of the squeeze.
  13. Looking at google and bing maps it appears that these Superliners are on ABF property right to the left of the ABF tractors parked by the fence (ABF ready line spares). They are not ABF tractors but they appear to be a third party sales on the ABF terminal lot. Maybe you can call ABF at that terminal
  14. I'll try and find out who the sellers are. They always have used trucks on display that can be seen from the highway.
  15. Don't forget Gunsmoke and Matt Dillion
  16. Was watching Leave it to Beaver today on METV. In season 1 episode 8 the boys have a Mack what appears to be a B70 series metal model on there desk in the bedroom. It would take a Mack fan to notice this. Maybe a Smith Miller model. They are super expensive.
  17. Looks like good Mack bones to work with
  18. Where were the Mack Great Western series built?
  19. Two good looking Superdogs for sale next to ABF terminal at junction of 495 and 95 in Mass. Saw them last weekend on way to New hampshire. Right on the highway. By exit 89 I believe.
  20. Starting out on the right foot with Macks! Good luck!
  21. Way to go joe you lacky for the puppet masters behind you.
  22. Kind of looks like an old Brockway cab!
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