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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Needs a little red or black with that grey!
  2. I bet that 707 is a great sounding beast!
  3. Great nplace to buy good used Macks
  4. Can't wait to see that unicorn engine.
  5. Sounds like the truth there mackcat! Makes sense.
  6. Look at your truck nameplate and get the serial number. Contact the Mack museum with the name plate data and get the build specs. A small donation is appreciated.
  7. Do current Maxidynes still pour in more fuel at low RPM's like the original engine concept.
  8. Seems like Cooper gets a lot of nice Macks that get turned in for Paccars. I wonder if there are any Mack dealerships where the reverse is true? Couple of nice looking CL 700's there. Seems like the black 2005 has a front axle that is more set forward than the green 2007. Probably camera angle.🙂
  9. I don't think they had tri-axles in 1955.🙂
  10. Owned by French and Italian companies head quartered in Netherlands. Don't see a Chinese connection though I may be wrong.
  11. Log trucker man its 2022. I found this thread by looking up mack3p(former Mack engineer). Do you still have the Titan? If so what are your thoughts now about it. I know Volvo pulled the plug on them and the Mp10. What are you buying now? Hope all is well.🙂
  12. Well ten years later fellow Mack lovers. Navistar is gone and now there is just one Paccar (With the exception of Oskosh and Autocar). The new Volvo/ Mack universal cab never showed up. At least not at Mack. The M drive/I shift is flying of the shelves for highway use. Allison is still strong in Mack construction but M drive is making inroads.
  13. In reading this thread it seems that SIGNAL ultimately failed Mack. SIGNAL took all of Macks profits for the benefit of SIGNAL and not Mack -MACK SHOULD NOT HAVE SOLD OUT TO SIGNAL!__ Signal/Renault/Volvo. Also it seems that Kenworth benefited greatly from the Hayes aquisition which Mack was never able to bring to fruition.
  14. The cab looks good and good oil pressure! Seats are replaceable.
  15. Very beastly Mack! Could haul more coal for years to come.
  16. This is what happens when American manufacturers sell out to the Europans.!
  17. Brocky: Found on this site a KS answer to a Super Dog post from 2013 "The new Interstater cab" The post that stated that F's, Cruiseliner's (non hayward version) and MH's were built in house in Allentown/Macungie. Original Cruiseliners were Hayward built. G's were fabricated by Budd I believe. Early MB's were Orville, not sure about the MR's as the as there is no more Orville. B's and H's were Allentown with Orville for sleeper versions. IH Comfo visions were designed by IH and built by Chicago Cab. Truck builders close to Chicago also used the IH cab-Hendrickson, Diamond-T, FWD, Available and others.
  18. Brocky-As you know at one time Mack had the Budd Cab N-model. At about the same time Mack was making in house (I believe) F Models. Like you say they are similar in windshield size and curvature. It seems to me that these similarities were not by accident. I wonder if anyone has more information on the development of the F Model Mack.😗?
  19. Also you can see the C model Ford in the F model Mack.
  20. KW W900B Dump - Shortcut.lnk Tried to upload a copy of a KW W900B. This is probably my favorite non Mack truck. Very rugged looking!KW W900B Dump - Shortcut.lnk
  21. LT Mack brother!
  22. Swishy that White 7000 was the one I saw on you tube. Nice looking White.
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