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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Saw a twin steer MH with long wheelbase on face book. What an aw some looking truck. Any body have any pictures of these.
  2. I don't see any rear discharge mixers in Ct. Why are they more popular out west I hear front mixers are more expensive and harder to work on.
  3. Goog I didn't think that was a superliner either with that side view.
  4. Red Horse. Add to that and they are looking at acquiring Mack from Volvo.
  5. Not as oooogly as the set back axle Cat but still oogly On second thought it's not that bad.
  6. I'm guessing about 250,000 lbs
  7. Perfect amount of bling. Nice color combo.
  8. Can't beat those old adds. I believe that small cab 9000 was about 1955. Also notice the split wind shield(Never saw one of those). The small cab 9000 was my favorite White. Roadway had a ton of these back in the 50's along with B model Mack's.
  9. Simple Lund visor is the best. IMHO
  10. It would have turned out that Fiat would own Mack
  11. 87 R just getting broke in.
  12. Who would be potential buyers of Scania?
  13. In the 50's and 60's Roadway had lots of Mack's. H models, F models and B-61 and 67"s. At that time there predominant truck was probably the small cab white 9000. They also had cracker boxes and IH emeryvilles. Later on they had R's, U's and F's. Roadway bought from just about every truck manufacturer. I never saw any Peterbilts but they did have a few KW's. Towards the end before the Yellow merger I believe they were mostly White, White/ GMC and freightliner. The strong relationship between Roadway and White may have been that they both were from Ohio. The CH's in the current fleet are mostly ex ABF's. YRC currently has 5 or 6 pinnacles as test tractors
  14. KS Thanks for the history lesson on Signal and Mack. As for the unions of this era I couldn't agree more. They pushed management to the wall time and time again in company after company. The end results were companies closing there doors or moving over seas. May bee you can give us a lesson on the move to South Carolina and the disaster that was. The CH CL and E-7 came out about that time and got off to a slow start. Fleets such as Overnite and Roadway long time Mack users didn't jump on the CH band wagon. The 90's seemed to be Mack's downfall that led to the Volvo takeover of Renault and Mack.
  15. Heavy Gunner. Not to be a but head but the real ultra religious right are the Muslim fanatics. They not only preach but carry out evil actions. You can turn off the blah blah from the Christian right but you have to kill or be killed with reguards to the Islamists.
  16. Mack was cash strapped when signal companies came to the rescue. There must have been poor decision making by Mack to be in that position. Signal companies was a conglomerate that had no loyalty to Mack. Signal cut Mack loose which enabled Renault to move in. Mack has nobody to blame but past management and difficult unions. Mack was spread to thin and didn't react quick enough to take care of core business. They dumped the fire vehicles, off road mining vehicles and forestry vehicles, buses, western vehicles and locomotives,. They closed antiquated plants in New Jersey and Allentown. Mack was floundering around and the wolves moved in (Signal) (Renault) (Volvo). Mack just like White motor was over extended. Paccar on the other hand did take care of the business side of the house and they are still around. They weren't spread to thin and cautiously moved forward. To bad to lose such an icon. Mack just got in bed with the wrong people and lost there autonomy. Ultimately management has to take the blame.
  17. Maybee Navistar can make some in roads on Paccar.
  18. Logtruckman: I wonder how the Titan is doing out west in logging country
  19. B Krois: What is the name of your friends company and where do they operate. I haven't seen any grey and black granites in Ct
  20. Saw one up close and personal a couple of years ago. Didn't have camelbacks
  21. Term limits are a must. Get these New World Order Pigs out of office.
  22. Wouldn't that be nice a mack with a V8 again. A titan powered with a V8 in a logging truck. Canadian road trains etc. etc.
  23. The Group’s technology and product development organization and production organization for trucks will remain responsible for common development and production. In addition specific resources will be allocated to each brand. 1. Common development means common platforms. Where is the difference that will separate Mack from the crowd? 2. Specific resources will be alocated to each brand. What does this mean? Macks own cab? Cummins diesel option? New hoods? New sleepers? Eaton? Fuller?Allison? Keeping Mack rears suspensions and transmissions? Independence like Austrllia?
  24. B-81 is in for some surprises. DM-800 next. Then a RD 800
  25. Sure Lake asbury is not filled with oil
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