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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. I would think the best place to find out about Mack history would be old Bull dog magazines.
  2. Saw an article on face book that 2700 military vehicles made by Navistar have been purchased by Homeland Security to be used on American streets. What's up O Bummer?
  3. Not wiki savvy. Would face book be a better fit? Just curious.
  4. I hope this sight doesn't die especially if Pacars and Volvos have pushing out the Macks
  5. Love those black diamond plate fenders. Just the right amount of chrome and aluminum.
  6. I think bumper guards look rugged. They have been around a long time and have the practical purpose of protecting the grill area especially the radiator. Merry Christmas to all.
  7. Well said. If the Rino Republicans had any balls they would impeach this traitor.
  8. Mater is going to be jealous. Where are you in Ct?
  9. Mr. Hancock. Great article. Explains torque rise well. Sounds like the 365 MP-7 would be a good fit.
  10. The new Scania man is off to a rocky start.
  11. What is a good definition of torque rise and why is it important?
  12. There were a lot more B-53's produced than B-57's
  13. Since I originally meant to start the B-53 thread as a B-57 thread. There may be some interest in a B-57 thread. I know there were some cool looking B-57 mixers.
  14. I see those rare endangered species Canadian geese in the background.
  15. He basically said nothing as far as new competative products going forward. I find it odd that he said that Mack deserves a larger share of the maket. I would think that you would have to earn that market share by being more competative than the next guy. Maybee his shirt says it all. Hope I am wrong.
  16. When I started this thread I meant B-57 not 53. My one brain cell was facing the wrong direction.
  17. Back in the 50's and 60's in Illinois B-61's dominated the construction companies. Hendricksons, Autocars IH R-210-30's and White 9000's took up the slack. Can't say I ever remember a B-81
  18. I think a six wheel drive B-53 cement mixer was the last B model to roll down the assembly line.
  19. Save it. Not that many Whites left.
  20. Mexico here we come. Union members take heed.
  21. Ozinga buying Macks now or is that an ex Meyer.
  22. Now that I think of it White was getting into the mixer market with the non Autocar cab 9000. Maybe the B53 offered a lighter chasis weight to compete with the White 9000. I know Material Service out of Chicago had a bunch of those White 9000's. B models still are in service. White 9000's are Japaneese cars.
  23. B-53 were usually built heavy for dumps or mixers, some all wheel drive. I wonder why this model was chosen as a heavy duty chasis when they already had heavy B's such as 60 and 80 series. Usually the smaller the first number the lighter the chasis.
  24. I wonder if Renault is on a looser leash than Mack
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