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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Love that horizontal grill on the blue one. Looks like it might be a Rawhide grill.
  2. Another Mack user going to the dark side? Saw a new Western Star dump for Sullivan paving to go along with their Freightliner lowboy tractor.
  3. Josephs has a couple of really neat Mack R water trucks camaflaged as dump trucks. Look pretty sharp. Call for price
  4. Was 91 the last year for the old style rd hood?
  5. I never new the C model fenders swung out. C Model was a beautiful cross between a L and B model. Would have continued to make the accountants happy. This was the perfect answer to the White 9000 A car cab. Only speculating but the C model if continued may have outsold the U model. Sorry Vinny.
  6. The blue fender looks slightly more aerodynamic.
  7. They call them VGT's variable geometry turbos. The vanes are partialy open for greater air flow velocity on acceleration. When the vanes are full open you get max air flow at higher power levels. On my 6.0 the max boost (vanes wide open) is about 40 psi. Being that its a 6.0 I never go over 20 psi. 6.0's like to be worked easy if you want them to last.
  8. Come on boys what happened to Connecticut construction trucks?
  9. Nice B-73/75/77 in the background. What is her story?
  10. Nice shot. Notice the little Mack emblem on the grill. Kind of like today's CH/CX
  11. Thats a rugged looking 6 wheel dump. Don't often see a A car dump in that configuration. 35,000 rears is one heavy spec back end.
  12. Aside from model makeovers by Volvo CHU to Pinnacle axle forward Vision to Pinnacle axle back MB updated Titan -Down Under makeover Low entry updated The last new Mack Model was the Granite 2000-2001 by Mack/Renault Seems pretty pathetic when you consider the competition.
  13. If only Mack had taken care of the business side as well as Paccar has.
  14. Were they on 10 & 202 in Southwick?
  15. Million mile trucks- all mechanical- low miles- Should be worth it. Maybee can get a discount on a 2 for deal
  16. Go to craigs list New Haven CT-autos/trucks-Type in Mack Nice 1985 RD 686 for sale - 120000 miles-with 40 yard summit tri axle trailer orange with red frame- Condition like new (so they say)-camel backs- no more info listed Posting ID 5142674046
  17. 8.34 lb/gal x 6000 gal = 50,040 lbs.
  18. I see B & W paving and landscaping has a new granite dump. Should be pretty lonely with all of their Paccars.
  19. Having trouble adding to this thread. Like it won't work for me
  20. If you look at a day cab compared to a sleeper cab it appears that the cab roof on the sleeper is higher in the back. Is this the case?
  21. Supposedly George Soros (evil man) bought up a huge amount of Peabody Coal for a dollar a share. Looks like he is betting on a resurgance in the coal industry.
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