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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Not to mention the CH may not have heavy enough specs
  2. What! No DPF-No DEF-No sensors-No EGR? Nice truck.
  3. I have been passing up this fair lump of a stick thread now for about a month. Title didn't seem to be very interesting. Boy was I wrong.
  4. Come on you Volvo jerks. Make something like this again. And don't name it Volvo.
  5. KS I was also nuclear sub sailor. I was a nuclear enlisted machinist mate. Admiral Rickover would personally interview all of the officers that would go into the nuclear sub pogram. As the story goes one time during an interview Rickover told the interviewee to do something that would piss Rickover off. The young officer smashed a plastic model submarine on Rickovers desk. The officer passed the interview because he had balls. :twothumbsup:Carter was the only Democrat I ever voted for. Prayers be with him.
  6. Are all of the granite mixers ex Meyers?
  7. Good chance Value Liners weren't heavy speced to begin with. They do look good though.
  8. I remember an oil tank driver coming to our plant in an R model. While off loading he would rub the hood down with WD 40 or armour all I can't remember for sure. It did a nice job. I think it probably attracted a lot off dust though.
  9. Advantage?????japan-China-Korea of course
  10. I've seen a lot worse B's. That White 9000 is a keeper. Not to many escaped the scrapper. One of the greatest tributes to the iconic Mack truck is the fact that Mack and White were pretty much neck and neck as far as sales went back in the 60's and seventies. The Macks made it to a second and third life and then to restoration. The Whites made it to the scrap yard.
  11. I like the American visors for Mack R's better than the Aussie version. Do any of the down under R's have American(Lund I believe) visors. It looks like the down under version may have better sun glare protection though.
  12. Brandy new. Looks like a work around if gliders are not available. As long as you can get parts.
  13. A well thought out plan would be to lay off half of the people at EPA. Then instead of mandating their ideas (which in some cases may have merrit) float their ideas before the applicable industries and let them implement using the competative spirit.
  14. The original H-61's were cool looking vehicles (cherry pickers). I hear they had steering issues. X211 might stand for experimental.
  15. My dog says 80/20 85/15 beef-ground pork-bacon-sausage. He says its all good.
  16. Nice! Looks like a Cruise Liner grill.
  17. Nice! Looks like Cruise liner grill,
  18. I can't see Granite MHD filling that niche.
  19. Are the new pinnacles CNG or diesel?
  20. Anyone with drawing/camera/computer skills that can super impose that superliner hood on to the CH cab. Just curious what it would look like.
  21. Mack ( the Icon) is not squeaky clean in this re guard. Remember they wanted to build a factory in the Soviet Union in the 60/70's or so. The government nixed it. We don't have much control over Volvo, I guess we could pass some sort of legislation to prevent vehicles made/assembled in America from reaching Iran. Big money is more important than principal. But then again there is no principal in the executive or legislative parties in this country. No principal-only agenda.
  22. What percentage/# of KW's-Macks-others does this company have.
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