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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. I guess we can say we figured as much. May bee you can camo yourself with a new handle.
  2. There was a quality carriers out of Wisconsin in the 50's and 60's. They hauled milk. Blue B 61"s with silver taners. May bee some H's.
  3. How do Mack sales compare to KW in Austrailia?
  4. I never saw Matlacks with black fenders, I just remember the all green ones. Did Matlack just fold or were they bought out? Nice pics. Love pictures of the fallen Mack fleets. Might make for a fallen Mack fleet thread.
  5. I never saw Matlacks with black fenders, I just remember the all green ones. Did Matlack just fold or were they bought out? Nice pics. Love pictures of the fallen Mack fleets. Might make for a fallen Mack fleet thread.
  6. Where has Mack3P been. Havn't heard from him in a while.
  7. From what I've read you can get a Cat Glider with a C-15.
  8. Didn't realize those Pete COE's were that high. They are Binder high.!
  9. Why were they called Donald ducks
  10. Not a construction truck but I saw something interesting on I95 this morning. A NEMF pinnacle with a short flatbed trailer. It was hauling another pinnacle and a Mack LJ single axle tractor in NEMF maroon and gray. I wonder if they have any B's kicking around. I know they still have a few R's and U's.
  11. Speed That almost looks like a Chicago Celli A model in the background of your logo. Green fenders Grey cab.
  12. Looks like you could get a mechanical e-7 400, 18 speed Mack tranny and Mack 44 rears and camel backs. Basically you would have a Mack truck with an aluminum cab.
  13. Wow! Did Mack ever get into aviation Planes rockets etc.?
  14. I like that v-12 Detroit under the hood
  15. What input do mack Engineers have in designing new products and components. It makes sense that volvo would want to promote commonality of parts and pieces but beyond that it would be good if Mack and Volvo engineering had a rivalry going. Where does renault fit in to the scheme of things. I get the impression they are not on as tight a leash as Mack.
  16. Two tone yes. The chrome goes well with the gray. Almost any color goes well wih gray. We had gray piping, diesels and motors on the submarines and we used to trim the equipment with various colors.
  17. Vinster since we havn't heard from you in a while I'm assuming your grades are all A's and B's
  18. Nothing like looking at the backside of a gold Bulldog.
  19. He may be driving a B up yonder. Saw that Hotchkiss Mack in Colchester last Saturday. I think they are out of Middletown on Newfield street.
  20. Good way to aerate the lawn too.
  21. Al I remember seeing an Available tractor as a kid and it looked just like a Hendrickson. Maybee a connection.
  22. Are the Builder trucks any relation to Orange Crush (Polumbo). The frame color and numbers on the bumper look similar.
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