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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. KS Great Mack history lesson. What products did Mack have scheduled for the 90's. Vision and Granite come to mind.
  2. Nice job! B model with a liitle leg room.
  3. The B's , R's, Brocks and A-cars were all metal. What did Paccar ever make on there own? Sheet metal, fiber glass and now plastic.
  4. I didn't mean CL I meant CH. No over the road big power. CL was a great workhorse. My only point was that Mack failed in the 90's under their own management and they can't blame Volvo for that.
  5. Mack was strong up until the 90's There product offering in the 90's really hurt them. Then came the vision in the era of the bad engines. The Granite got off to a good start but then the bad engines slowed them down. they are making somewhat of a comeback now but Volvo won't let them really take off like say in Aussie Land.
  6. I think the CL never caught on was because it was only offered as a set back axle. Can't blame V!$#Vo for that. It certainly didn't catch on for over the road big power. The CH had a forward axle but no big power. Thus the heavy haul and long haul was lost. You can only blame Mack for that.
  7. Really when you get right down to it Mack management couldn't lead mack through the tough times. Thus the infusion of Signal money, Renault money and finnally Volvo money. I don't like Paccar but they have proven that they can run an efficient organization even when times have been tough. If Mack management had the management team that Paccar has had there would still be a thriving independent Mack. The same could be said for the White Motor company.
  8. Hey Granite fan. What is going on at the Macungie parking lot? Any new photos.
  9. I think they came out with the C model to use up the last of the L and B parts because the next year the R and U model came on board.
  10. I picked one up at tractor supply a couple of months ago. I am sure the ATHS site has some.
  11. Individual cylinders and heads like the EMD's (Now Cat)
  12. 285-Well said. Lets hope Mack doesn't move to Mexico. Lets give Volvo credit for one thing -The Mack and Volvos are made in the USA and so are most of the major parts and pieces.
  13. I'll bet hose Granites are starting to give those Peter eaters and K Woppers fits.
  14. I always liked the R Hood over the replacement RD hood. The RD as a tractor never looked as good as the R model as a tractor IMO. Can an R model hood replace (Say 1988)--- replace a (say 2005 RD hood.
  15. There are plenty of them for the ford 6.0's and they are very open about it on the internet. EGR delete kits for about 1,000 dollars. There is even a you tube video. looking up the 6.0 may give you some leads for Mack delete.
  16. 1958: Jesus can help any situation. Prayers to you. I will visit the website.
  17. I am guessing that VW doesn't have a 40 HP pancake 4
  18. KS what kind of trucks do you sell
  19. So where is the new side loader garbage truck. Any sightings
  20. I believe the B613 had the 205 turbo diesel. I think the B615 was the V8
  21. Superdog you may be right. The diagonal line will not only fit on the grill but the new logo also.
  22. Are we back to the Large Mack letters in the grill. Hope so.
  23. Hopefully this snow plow thread will slow down by June. LOL
  24. Went to the Bozzutto terminal in cheshire a few months ago. Lots of sterlings still. Looks like KW is the replacement of choice. Saw a coupls of shackers. Out back they still have a sharp 2 stack R model in the old blue and white colors. They may be planning restoration. Saw a couple newer Paccar dump trucks outback also.
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