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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Is White oak construction still around. They had some old orange B-61's, green B-61's and early DM's I think they mostlly did bridge work last I knew.
  2. I know the original New York thread disappeared but I missed out on why. If I might ask.
  3. Would you believe the new model is a new side loader garbage vehicle as stated by the new chairman. That should help out expanding the highway penetration.LOL
  4. Estes bought a bunch of Mack Visions and they were mostly used out west. It seems that some of them have transferred east. Havn't seen any newer Mack pinnacles for them. Seems like they are giving KW and shacker a try as well as IH.
  5. I remember tons of those Quality Carrier B's but I never saw one of those Cannonballs. Good catch.
  6. It seems like Volvo has pushed the Volvo brand about as far as it can go. I think they feel that Mack might have some growth legs.
  7. Wooden frames. Hope they were hckory.
  8. Resembles a DM steel nose front.
  9. BCR I remember tons of those Blue B models for quality carriers coming down from Wisconsin on rt 41 I used to sit on a hillside on rt 41 in gurnee Ill and watch the rigs of the 50's and 60's. Tons of B's and F's. white 9000's emmeryville and freightliner put puts. Glenndenning,Trans American Werner, QC, Olson and olson of greenbay,Spector, Roadway, Norwalk, Dundee, crystal Lake, Meyer, Celli, Bongi Strickland Gateway, LCL,OK, Central Wisconsin and about 100 others CF
  10. There is a company I see all the time running I 95 in Ct and I 91 Ct. They Have white pinnacles with thin blue lettering. I can never make out what the company name is. The first letter of the name is large and the rest are small. It looks like the large letter might be an A. I see them more on 91 than 95. They appear to be an all mack fleet.
  11. A.P.Marquardt Fleet 1989 Mixed Mack and Peterbilt fleet with 1 KW 900. I talked to the owners son and he said they are pretty much going Peterbilt. He drives a Ch-600 # 5.
  12. 57 I remember those LCL colors and Macks from when I was a Kid. Used to come dowm ILL 45 at the time from Wisconsin. A lot of b-61's with silver tankers.
  13. Marcel Nothing beats a long wheelbase MH with an E9. I remember a silver and red frame long wheelbase MH for sale at Allentown Mack about 10 years ago. I believe it was posted somewhere on here with its new owner. It had an E-9 and was selling for 12000 or 15000 grand at the time.
  14. If it coul
  15. That paint job on the Brown MH makes it look more like a Mack. If that makes any sense from an old man
  16. Burns from West Virginia. Green Visions and Pinnacles. Had a few cornbinders
  17. Might be an interesting thread. Smiths Transfer Roanoke VA? They did have some ford city budd cabs
  18. As part of the push for the New World Order The Tri Lateral Commission was formed during the Carter administration. Its purpose was to equalize the global playing field, making Europe and the Asia stronger and America weaker. They have done this across the global manufacturing base. The sad truth is that Conspiracies are real and the truth is held from the sheeple
  19. sunken grill 1966-1972? 2 vertical supports ?-? (Cheezee) 3 vertical supports 1977?-1989 western grill 1974?-
  20. How many different Mack CA cabs were there. I think there were 47's or 67's on the R's.I noticed on a thread here that the west coast RL's had a CA 123. Where does the plus 3 cab fit in. Those west Coast rigs were really sharp the way the cab and hood sat higher. Those west coast R 700's and valueliners were good trucks.
  21. I remember that ad as well. I wonder what they are driving now?
  22. Looks like a lengthened ch hood. I am confused. I can't see how this works.
  23. Randy. The Lord works all things for His purposes. Your son gave his full measure and your grandboy can surely be proud of him. Get that boy a monster mall. There almost as good as a log splitter and a lot cheaper. Will make the grandson strong like bull.
  24. Great information KS. I guess the modified Mack v8 lives on at Scania.
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