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KDog Trucking

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Everything posted by KDog Trucking

  1. What's the hold up Tom, me The Burren and Mack Tech are down to just two beers left and I'm still not banned? Wake up Barry if you have to.
  2. Can I take the BMT exit survey?
  3. Someone let you out of Marlboro Mental Hospital? Heard there's a lot of people there who talk to themselves. You ain't rite, Tom.
  4. That's a really dumb idea.
  5. Not exactly. But it's a small world, no doubt. 😄
  6. Brocky: What'd they do to tank it? Going through members private messages, banning large groups of good contributors, then not writing banned on their accounts so no one really knows how many are banned and when Mods are banning them? 🤫
  7. Just heard The Burren's (the guy who stirred the hornet's nest by starting this thread) was kicked off BMT. I talked to him over on the ATHS forum. Seems a lot of folks going over there. I get not dragging up the past...I do. Nevertheless, I mourn every banned member! We used to have some good/heated discussions on here. RIP my friends. Anybody here seen my old friend John (Hancock)? Can you tell me where he's gone? He freed lotta people but it seems the good they die young You know I just looked around and he's gone I thought I saw them walkin' up over the hill With Mack Technician, and The Burren and Ts7.
  8. Thanks for the tip! Was hoping someone would locate the MIA’s.
  9. Was told it’s the multiple bans and returns that lit it off. She was being hounded by them. She was also irritating the banned members and KS was decent to her. When he became moderator the membership resented KS for giving her respect instead of the boot. Then accused him of harboring a banned fugitive. Too bad it did get ugly as like TJC points out. Something had to intervene. What do the sites do? A ban term? jail sentence instead of a coffin?
  10. And a group of members butt heads with administration and certain moderator about her being back again. Administration won the argument, Barry banned her and all them. TJC knows who, but I think JHancock, David Wild, Heavy Gunner, Mack Technician, Dutch Digger and TS7 all got axed. Maybe a few more?
  11. I’d leave it alone. When He comes back after these spats guaranteed Teamsterrr/Gear-head grrrl/Maxidyne isn’t far behind. Round 4?
  12. RIP Mack Tecnician. You will surely be missed by many on this site. Your practical, useful advice and selfless dedication to helping others solve problems will not soon be forgotten. Another victim of senseless censorship.
  13. Jamkar, the moderators wiped out the core group of outspoken conservatives. It's the blue wave 2020.
  14. That's insane for a screw! Talk about getting "screwed". My guess...$43. Wild shot in the dark.
  15. Cool video, good stuff. Looks like this stuff was promoted as the original "energy drink", before that was a thing. Interesting note from their website in the history section: 1885-1899: Moxie Nerve Food invented and patented in 1885. I find it curious it was originally called 'nerve food'. They also made 'many wild curative claims'. Hair loss? Drink more Moxie. Marital problems? Erectile disfunction? Drink Moxie, and all your problems will be gone. MackTechnician, when you tried it, did your chosen ailment get better?
  16. Ashland, post ice shack blast.
  17. Wow! That's awesome (and sad). The only source of ignition had to have been the battery. Something (the frame of the shack) must have sparked the battery by touching both terminals. Otherwise, how do you explain? Subsequent explosions came from LP tanks after the shack and battery acid were burning. Amazing the vehicle wasn't more damaged!
  18. Just fueling the flames 😂😃 I doubt Russia would launch a preemptive strike. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/russians-will-go-to-heaven-in-event-of-nuclear-war-vladimir-putin-1934172
  19. M.A.D. no longer really applies to urban Russia, they've been fortifying and prepping for a nuclear attack since the cold war. Putin has said they could keep the 3 largest cities in Russia completely intact after a nuclear attack, with enough underground bunker space for the entire city of Moscow to run for 20 years underground. Supposedly, Putin claims the entire population of Moscow has been prepped. Putin has been preparing for a nuclear showdown and has publicly commented on it in interviews last year. He said something to the effect of "Moscow has bunkers, and food and water for everyone in the city, does New York City? Washington?" He added, I hope we can resolve this peaceably, speaking about the U.S. in Syria, where we are already in a proxy war with Russia, but any attack against Russian forces (in Syria) would result in dire consequences for the U.S. There would be many casualties in a nuclear attack to be sure on both sides, but something tells me Russia is better prepared than the U.S. It only makes sense that there would be another "Cuban missile crisis" of our time or similar events, especially given Trumps bold take on things. Russia has been developing the Bomba, or super Nuke, that is about 100 times larger than the Hiroshima bomb. The U.S. air to air missile system (which intercepts missiles) could likely get about 75% of nukes launched at us. That means if Russia sent up 100, 25 would get through. Not exactly an iron dome, unless we have better tech and they're not saying?
  20. Thanks for sharing, love the old rusting heap pictures! Great stuff.
  21. Wow, nicely done!
  22. Neat pics, really like the old vehicles and the Tamale restaurant.
  23. Nice truck! Would love to see it restored. Thanks for sharing.
  24. Ah yes...it was the Volvo L180H, I recall you mentioned that once. Anyone else have any experiences with bad DEF codes (and how you solved the problem?)
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