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  1. Hello, I am need of a throttle cable for a 1965 c model mack fire engine. Anyone know where I can get one or have one made?
  2. hello Do you have the shaft that is in the transfer case (gearbox) that allows the truck to go from pump to road?
  3. It is the short drive shaft that goes into the transfer case. The flange does look like the one pictured but it has a gear that comes out the back side of the pictured that looks like the PTO on the back of a large tractor. I will try to get a picture of it on Friday, the engine is at the shop. the rear brakes are locked up on it still. thanks again fireflem
  4. Well I need some help. I have a Mack fire engine 65' C95 open cab. I broke it and need help getting it fixed.. The brakes locked up on it and I broke the drive train. Not the drive shaft but the part that goes from the transmission to the pump / transfer case. It has a flange that has about 10 bolts that goes down to a part that looks like the PTO gear on the back of a large tractor. Two questions 1. Can it be taken apart and fixed or does it need to be machined? 2. How can i get the broken part out, do I need to remove the pump / transfer case or just disassemble the lower half? Thanks in advance fireflem
  5. Name: Mack C95 (1965) Date Added: 14 January 2009 - 10:54 AM Owner: fireflem Short Description: 1965 Fire Engine 1000 gpm Pump. View Vehicle
  6. Hello, I am having a problem with a 65 C95, it acts like it does not have the power to get out of its own way. It has a 707c gasoline motor, I thought it had bad gasoline but it is not that. If I can get it up to 2200 rpms it jumps and runs like it did but most of the time I can not get it up to 2200. I took it to the shop and they replaced the governor distributor linkage and it is a little better but not really. I was thinking a carb rebuild but the change in performance at 2200 rpms is troubling. What do you think?
  7. Gentlemen, I was wondering if there would be any benefit to convert a 65’ C95 to negative ground. How much would it cost and how difficult will it be? I wanted to add a radio system (am/fm) for tailgating and party use but it is an open cab and looking at a Marine type radio. What are your thoughts? thanks Fireflem
  8. Hey thanks for the info I think we are going to try the sandblasting and prime and paint. Do not have the money to replace the tank at this time. FireFlem
  9. It has plates on the top for access but what is the best kind of paint to use?
  10. Friend and Family in our first parade with the 65 Mack
  11. Anyone have any thoughts on that to do for a water tank that has been empty for the last 10-12 years and has a lot of rust?
  12. Thank you everyone, you have given me somewhere to start. Fireflem
  13. Hello All! I am looking for information about the set up on a C model that has two Tachometer, one on the pump panel and one in the dash. I know that this was an option on this model but mine did not come that way. The previous owner added an electronic tachometer but I have a second cable tachometer. Does anyone know where the split is made to connect the one in the dash? How long the cable going to the dash? If any one has any info that would be great!
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