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steve p

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steve p last won the day on March 22 2017

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    brisbane australia

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  1. Mackpro, I ended up replacing the engine harness but not before cleaning all the earths and reinstalling them ,replaced the auxillary soleniod along with all the engine sensors, swapped out the computer with a known working computer still the same fault ,throwing out ECM fault plus boost soleniod fault . We didn't get the ASET AC engine here in Australia .Mack Trucks Aust weren't any help at all, Grey engine amnesia???? I ended up sorting the problem by elimination , My E9 was starting to look good sitting in place of the CCRS 470, Thanks Mackpro for responding with help
  2. I have a active fault showing on the Co Pilot , Engine ECU, Solenoid Boost Voltage , Voltage low or shorted to battery. i have a V MAC 3 Service manual 8 211 . blink code 8-9 mentions solenoid boost voltage , can anyone elaborate more on this fault . Thanks ,Steve
  3. Paul contact Seats R Us in Brisbane they have the dies to heat stamp the vinyal
  4. i put a tip turbine on my 350 4v and i make 30 psi under full load ,i run a 300+ turbo and it starts making boost off idle and never had a issue with excessive exhaust temps. the only reason for going to tip turbine was the bonnet clearance to inter cooler. so i cant see why you would make more work for your self for no extra gain.
  5. over 15/16 years, it was moved last year. it was pretty well rooted when i looked at it 14 years ago
  6. Yep it is a Series 2 Superliner and it's powered by a KTA Cummins ,it was here in Brisbane and now it is in Toowoomba being rebuilt
  7. Mrs Mack Paul , the RP cabs were made for extreme conditions ie sand mining
  8. AZB755V8 , Sorry mate some things get lost in translation between Australian sayings / slang and the rest of the world ,for example "my mob [my family] your mob [your family] or can be a company/ business /group ," REPCO which is a parts co much like your NAPA. " Don't go to REPCO ,that mob are a rip off" i hope that kind of explains it. Tylden Heritage also does a Bulldog similar to what is used on the rocker covers in alloy ,i haven't seen one yet to judge the quality of the item ,it is 48x 44 mm not chromed ,$ 16.40 AUD . They also do F700 , R600 , R700 , R800 badges For $190 .00 AUD finished and chromed , i'm not trying to take business away from Barry or anyone else and i don't have anything to do with Tylden Heritage ,i know what it is like looking for hard to get items. Steve
  9. AZB755V8 There is a mob here in Australia already making the chromed V8 badges for $155 .00 Aussie dollar or you can buy them for $55.00 unfinished. i have bought 4 for my 797, 2 for the truck and 2 spares ,they are good quality badges .i used to do high end restos and these would be up there for quality. Ian Lee w.w.w.tyldenheritage.com.au have a gander at his site
  10. James , they were r700's cummins powered nh270,i grew up in the territory i used to see these rigs often . that film was released in 71.
  11. James ,there was three r733 r700's brought into the country for use on Mt Bundy mine in the Northern Territory in 67
  12. Vlad ,that first photo is a New Zealand built RB ,the bonnet was designed and built in kiwi land. it used the CH grille and headlight units .the bottom photo is a Series 2 Metroliner , Aus designed and built
  13. pull the countershaft cover and check to make sure you have a internal spline
  14. not all 10 /12 speeds came out with the internal spline in the counter shaft to take the rear mounted pto
  15. paul ,5/16 th for plug welding , spacings should be 1 " a part for the turret ,all other spacings 1 1/4 . like i said paul i'm only a phone call away to talk you through it .steve
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