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About jakebrake13

  • Birthday 03/16/1977


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  1. To all that put in in to this posting... THANK YOU!!!! We finally got her running late last night, changed out pump for spare. ran rack new air cleaner. run great again!!! You guys here are the greatest!
  2. Back to the shop again hope this works I have another pump that came with truck all the delivery valves are out of are the as easy changing 123? if so i will throw that pump in thanks again
  3. Great those we can deal with i was afraid we had lost a piston or something!?! Motor has great compression but the soot now makes since. thank you
  4. 1986 Commercials #6 (title) on youtube see the macks @30 secs
  5. Well here we go again... Pulled pump and coupler is fine. with pressure gauge on fuel line out of fuel filters before injection pump have 35 psi , with line put back on pump and cranking i get fuel out of #6 valve only in small spurts. if i unbolt fuel pump from injection pump and crank over seems to pump fuel out all valves and seem to be alot more???? very confused starting to think C-4 and walk away! also any thoughts on really sooty oil in # three rocker arm area?
  6. Ok Had air intake lines off last go around leaning toward pump coupling if so what and how do i go about putting her back in time. Going to try and remove pump tonight but not sure if i should but engine in time first?!? Thanks for all you help I do have spare pump for parts
  7. AMBAC for sure then. Thanks alot!! Try to get her fired today and all i got was thick gray smoke like an old wood burner so thick it made the shop as dark as night.
  8. All the tags are missing off pump not sure which pump is which any way to tell? Direct fuel no filters no progress thanks guys for help
  9. Heading back to shop to try these tips , will post udates thanks
  10. Hello all new here! from what i have read this site seems to the most knowledgeable site out here!! On to the problem... I bought a 81 RS 600 2v 350 twin stick, Truck ran great got it home drove it a few times and it seem to start miss firing then blowing white/gray smoke. smell of raw diesel fuel and died Can restart with Starter fluid and it idles really fast no more miss firing but is just dumping in fuel. I thought it might be a lost injection tip, pulled all 6 all looked fine checked rack and valves all look to be it order. I did notice that in the valve train there appears to be a lot of soot in the oil between 2&3 cylinder and only there?!? Any help would be great Was hoping to let wife pull truck in upcoming truck pull
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