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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Maxidyne

  1. MN Bridge law is Formula B, same as most of the U.S..
  2. http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/
  3. Actually I've found it easier to diagnose my VW's than my Ford because I can buy the VAG_COM diagnostic software that does the same job as VW's dealer software for $250. With Ford anything beyond the capabilities of a generic OBDII code reader requires an expensive trip to the dealer. Ford's service manuals aren't real friendly either, a lot of mechanical stuff seems to require supplements to the vehicle specific manual.
  4. Hostess probably had the biggest fleet of Argosies in the U.S., was one of the few things they did right.
  5. Interesting that they're promoting a truck that's going to be discontinued... Maybe they got a big inventory of cabs to use up?
  6. So let me guess, they're going to bring back the Titan with the existing engine options? Sorry, but an MP8 at 60+ tons ain't gonna cut it in the mountains...
  7. Wonder how well the "Globetrotter" name will go over in the U.S.?
  8. http://www.thedetroitbureau.com/2018/10/ford-redesigning-company-structure-salaried-job-cuts-coming-in-19/ So what did they need all that new office space in the railroad station for?
  9. That's always been my suspicion, seems like they moved the power to higher RPMs in the ALs to meet emissions.
  10. Sounds like your transmission has close enough ratio gears, but maybe not enough torque capacity to go to 460 HP. This HP upgrade might not be worth the cost and time- Unless you're running over 80k pounds GCW or up and down mountains all day the 460 will mostly add power only on the top end and won't cut trip times much.
  11. To unemploy truck drivers so they can fill all those low wage manufacturing jobs he's creating...
  12. Does your transmission have close enough splits to work with the 460's 1450-1950 RPM powerband?
  13. Sounds like Ford is setting up the sedans and vans to fail. Reminds me of a couple years back when I was looking at Transit Connects, the dealers were loaded with cargo van versions but when I finally found a passenger van to look at it sold within an hour of coming off the transport. Kind of ridiculous when you consider that the yship them over here with cheap plastic seats to get around the chicken tax and then strip them out to make a cargo van!
  14. The lift axle and drive axle have to be designed to work together- The initial version of Volvo's North American 6 by 2 with pusher axle wore out drive axle tires because the drive axle suspension transferred weight away from that axle resulting in lost traction and tire slippage. Plover Transport has been experimenting with the Volvo 6 by 2 with a "non reactive" suspension on the drive axle and it seems to be working better- They're currently running a new Anthem as well as Volvos with this setup and are regularly getting 9 MPG or better.
  15. You have to remember that at 154k pounds (70tons) your hauling almost twice the weight of the standard 80K pound rigs. That means to get the same lever of performance, you'll need almost twice the horsepower and torque. It'll move that gravel train at about the pace of a 237 Maxidyne at 80k pounds, except it'll have half the engine braking and you'll have to shift twice as much. so I'll concur that for the loads you want to haul you need a 15-16 liter engine with as much torque and horsepower as possible.
  16. And the NAPA "mob"now own the Repco "mob"...
  17. Volvo Trucks will run Mack into the ground before they'll sell it.
  18. This is one of the biggest events in Ford truck history, surpassing the Transcontinental and rivaling the Louisville introductions in importance... And Ford HQ seems to want to keep it a secret?
  19. Not sure if that's a new enough Mack to have CAN bus wiring, but with CAN bus if there's more current draw than the computer expects it may shut down the circuit or do weird stuff. Probably should check the Mack body builder manual which I think is a free download if you don't have one.
  20. Excellent analysis! The problem with electric cars is that once you do the numbers, they're big losers... For example, to get to zero CO2 you need not only an electric car, but your own renewable electric production and a battery bank because most charging takes place at night. So add to the $40k cost of that electric car another $60k for a solar array and Tesla "Powerwalls". The batteries in the car and the home storage have a life of 10 years at best, so about $80k of this $100k investment is HazMat in 10 years, and the $20k in solar array is only good for 20. Compare that to a similar or lower price for a comparable diesel car that will easily have a life of 20 years... That's why very few of the VW drivers who took advantage of the buyback have bought electric cars as replacements.
  21. IIRC back in the 80s the 237 got a chassis mounted intercooler and became a 250.
  22. Conventionals make sense for bulky freight, but most freight fills the trailer(s) before getting anywhere near the weight limits- Thus a cabover is more productive for most freight.
  23. If we join the rest of the world and demand trucks with better productivity, visibility, and maneuverability like the cabover F-Max it will come here.
  24. Still no mention of this history making new product at media.ford.com . Seems like this is Ford's "red haired stepchild"...
  25. No mention of the announcement or award over at media.ford.com, maybe they'll update in the morning. Wonder if Hackett even knows the F-Max exists? Then again, if he doesn't know about it, he can't kill it...
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