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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Maxidyne

  1. Now every Ural sidecar cultist will want one...
  2. Probly pretty aerodynamic too- note the large corner radius.
  3. Not surprising now that UPS is buying a lot of tractors with natural gas fueled engines now- Volvo doesn't have a U.S, Certified natural gas engine, and I suspect Volvo bid high just to keep Cummins engines out of Mack trucks.
  4. Still see a lot of Louisville Line farm and municipal trucks, even here in the rust belt.
  5. From what I heard Daimler got all the parts in the deal. If the cab tooling still exists, I suspect Daimler has it too. Ford made a hell of a mistake selling off the big trucks and it'll be expensive as hell to replace them.
  6. As far as scrunching down the H62X cab goes, by the time they got done I suspect they'd have to pretty much redesign most every panel anyways. Unless there's a narrow cab "Cargo" version of the H62X already here or in the pipeline? Ford could try the time (dis)honored method of jacking up an F150 cab, sliding a class 6/7/8 chassis underneath, and a tilt hood in front... But is their enough headroom in an F150 cab for suspension seats, etc.? Red Horse, you may have the best idea- a whole new "big truck" cab for everything from the F450 on up.
  7. Agreed, for most purposes with a conventional a narrower than full width cab works best. As for a dedicated conventional cab, Ford is a volume manufacturer and isn't going to tool up an exclusive cab for their share of the North American class 7&8 market of only 300,000 or so vehicles a year. If we want up to date trucks, we're gonna have to go with the flow and switch back to cabovers.
  8. Our current 53' single/ 2x28' doubles restrictions limit productivity. Allowing 25 meter (82') combinations like Canada, Australia, and South Africa with no restrictions on the length of doubles, droms, and truck bodies would improve productivity by up to 40% and improve safety. Allowing "turnpike doubles" on 4 lane and well engineered 2 lane roads would nearly double productivity.
  9. IMHO, one of the better looking cabovers. Would be great to see it on U.S. roads... Maybe Ford should get their lobbyists to work pushing new length limits, something like as much cargo as you can fit into a 25 meter overall length.
  10. They've come a long way since the "Kenworth" cabovers sold here in the 80s. Was strange to get into a "Kenworth" that had pretty much the same dashboard as the VW Golf I'd just driven to work in...
  11. I'm stocking up on parts too, got a bunch of German made VW TDI powertrains, BMW motorcycles, a Ford Ranger with more Euro content than a lot of VWs, and the odd Yamaha and Guzzi in my personal fleet. And that income tax cut? Before the income tax, import duties was largely how they funded the federal government... When most everything you buy has foreign content and is taxed at 20% or so, Trump's tariffs could easily take back what the tax cuts "gave" us.
  12. The market is getting nervous about Trump's tariffs, and for good reason- in today's interdependent world, no matter where a vehicle is built, it'll be saddled with a heap of tariffs!
  13. As for Ford, they and local dealers have been sponsoring tech students for decades, same for GM, they're merely adding body techs to the program. As for national policy, I've done the numbers and my home state of Minnesota could easily afford to give folks their first two years of post secondary education for free, as the Pell Grants pretty much cover tuition. It's the 3rd, 4th, and grad school part of post secondary education that gets expensive. BTW, seniors can attend public colleges for free in Minnesota, and they don't seem to be abusing the priviledge.
  14. Turns out there was a 2060 series gathered ratio transmission that would sorta work with a conventional torque rise E7-350. The first couple splits are pretty wide though and wouldn't work well if the truck had to climb a lot of steep grades.
  15. There was a 6 speed "gathered ratio" transmission offered in the 300 series Maxitorques, but I think a 97 would have been too early for that. IIRC there was a 100 series Maxitorque 5 speed with a closer ratio 4th gear that could be made a six speed with the low hole gears, but 97 is kinda late for a 100 series. Gonna have to dig up some old spec sheets...
  16. Yup, the 6 speed transmission would suggest a Maxidyne. But the 6 cylinder Maxidyne in the U.S. had a top rating of only 300 HP until 2001, so are you sure this is a 350? But even if it's only a 300 or even a 275 or 250, it should be well capable of moving 80k# loads, just not real quickly. So like MT said, first check to make sure the engine is running as it should.
  17. That's a mid 1980s 11 liter with 4 valve head and mechanical fuel injection, peak torque is at 1020 RPM and engine operating range is 1000-1800 RPM. Usually found in highway tractors with a 5 speed wide ratio overdrive transmission.
  18. A lot of the ABS suppliers rushed them to market and they had a lot of problems, IIRC Eaton's often failed. On the other hand, company I drove for tested Kelsey-Hays ABS on a '73 Freightliner and Bosch ABS on '88 Freightliners, both were very reliable and gave little trouble. I put the ABS on the '73 to the test in the early 80s when a full wheeler pulled out in front of me in the rain, they still worked as intended and saved the 4 wheelers ass from all but my profanity.
  19. A '77 would have antilock brakes and Eaton was one supplier of antilock brakes.
  20. Saw a Covenant do the same thing, tried to get his attention but he kept right on turning!
  21. That was pretty much the standard wheelbase on an R model tractor, and they rode pretty decent, depending on the rear suspension of course.
  22. Wonder how he gets around the Construction and Use regulations with a tractor that was never type approved for such heavy weights?
  23. Wish they'd spend more time engineering better products instead of re-engineering corporations. VW has been in bed with International for long enough that we should be seeing some results like Scania V8s in International conventionals and Transporter and Crafter vans at the local International dealers.
  24. Minnesota is similar, over half the new vehicles sold here are AWD. do you think customers are buying SUVs primarily to get AWD and would prefer a sedan if they could get AWD?
  25. Then again, for folks like us that run our cars into the ground, resale value ain't important. I scooped up one of the new "stopped sale" VW TDIs for under $20k last year, It may very well outlive me.
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