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Everything posted by 2000CL713

  1. Anyone know where I can buy the hood/fender fares on a 2000 CL? The black plastic pieces that are bolted to the sides of the hood. I'm really just sick and tired of dealing with dealers at this rate. I rather just buy from else where if that's an opt. Part number would also be nice.
  2. Didnt get a price at the dealer here since they didnt have any. I called watts. Think they gave me the same price you said. No other places around me have them either. And reason why I asked if they are USA reman bc I seen then remaned from diff places. Not only in the USA. These where right from mack as well.
  3. Are they rebuild here? Think I was told the USA rebuilt ones are done in PA.
  4. new or reman 313Gc5227MX (thats the reman USA made number mack gave me) dont want any from china or Brazil or any other place that might make junk lol i seen a set from both thats why i say that.
  5. anyone knows the best place to buy the EUP?
  6. whats the best way to install a permanent fuel pressure gauge in a 2000 CL? what type of gauge should i look into? what line should i tap into?
  7. i dont have a youtube account
  8. need to post a video of what one of my trucks is doing but its to big to post. has to be under 14.6mb to be able to post here, anyone here can chop this video and resend it to me? i can most likely email it to you.
  9. think i have a blown turbo off a 2001 e7-460 laying around some where in the shed still. have to look.
  10. what size turbo comes on a 2000 e7-427?
  11. dont have one at the moment to swap in but its something i thought of doing yet i dont think that will do anything really since it seems like the motor itself is raising in sound as well when the rpms start to jump around. its done it for years.
  12. my CL tach does some funky shit sometimes too. like id me at a set MPH on the highway and the RPM will start to jump around but it does sound like the motor is raising its rpm speed as well. but its does it fast. not sure what it is. doesnt anyways do it. never could understand or come to idea what would do it.
  13. in the market for heavy spec CL/CV dump trucks. dual or tri axle. 20k fronts/46k rears. double frame. must have- full gauge package. nothing bigger then a 16ft body/bed (give or take a few inches) no junk. the more chrome the better (lol). o/o spec is a plus (dual exhaust/alum tanks/rims/full length steps) as for CV im looking for the older ones. something like a 2002. CV must have dual exhaust (optional on a CL). NO AIR RIDE SUSPENSION!!!!!! i repeat no air suspension!!!!! PS- yes im very picky about my trucks if your wondering which would explain the reasons i have listed above lol post up pictures and info of what you are selling. thanks!
  14. years ago all you would see are macks in my town. ones in a blue moon you would see a pete or KW but they be on-highway dumps. alot of rock work. then everything started to changed slowly when the dealers all changed over and everything went to shit. now 80% of trucks you see here are KW, very few macks. most are newer ones that are always broken down. only maybe a hand full of older gray motor macks left which include mines and few others left hanging on.
  15. that is true, hes had mack for 12 years if i recall. just not easy getting parts for them anymore. he doesnt want to deal with the stupid dealers here bc they are all no nothing no bodies which i can understand bc i have had the same problems. he just wants something diff. something more user friendly for parts. also macks here drivers dont take care of them. they see them as throw-away trucks and hes wanting to get something a driver will like and take care of since hes heading more in that direction. small dump trunk company. 2 trucks max. parts you can fine all over online or at the truck junk yards. nothing for macks here other then the dealer and they fuck up every single time sadly. i have thought about switching to at times but havent. if i had newer macks yes but hard to give up my gray motor CL's lol
  16. I had one of those. Was very custom. $160k truck bought it brand new. Sold it like 10 or 11 years ago. Great truck. Sadly the older ones are hard to find and ones that are not completely fucked! Plus he wants to get away from mack.
  17. yea thats what i told him. a c12 at the least would be alot better with a few upgrades. sucks since the truck is setup well but the motor and trans not so much which not sure why. rather odd.
  18. have a family member looking at getting a different truck then what i know mostly about (macks) so thought id ask here, maybe someone knows better. its a 2004 pete 357 dump truck. C10 335hp. Allison 6spd and was told it was a 4650p trans? not sure of that one. dual straight pips. 46 rears with 529 gears. think it has 22.5 tires. he is worried that the motor wont have any balls in it for the dump truck work we do. its a tri axle dump. we haul 70k here but sometimes more. alot of suger sand and mud. no hills but alot of pits are deep and pulling out of them are a bitch sometimes. we also build tall pads. we do 50/50 (on-highway/off-highway). not sure if this motor can be turned out with computer tuning or bigger turbo and injectors. he would like at least 425 to 450hp and about 1500-1700tq. basically something like what a E7-427 would match. any help would be great!
  19. Was told 460 with a 8LL trans. Haven't seen the truck yet. Also 20k front and factory dump truck with double frame.
  20. Can someone run a vin number for me and post the specs of the truck?
  21. No. Not yet. Going to this weekend when I have free time. Is there a fuse just for dash lights?
  22. also if someone know which wires power the lights for all that i dont mind jumping it and putting it on its on switch.
  23. on my 2000 CL713 when i turn on the lights at night none of my gauges light up or switches on the center dash part light up. all gauges and switches work tho. anyone know the reason for this or what it could be?
  24. I sent you an pm about your pictures. Sorry it took me awhile. Been working none stop. Didnt have any hoilday off season this year.
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