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Everything posted by 2000CL713

  1. in the 10 years iv had it iv never taken it apart and im sure the one owner before me didnt either since i knew and worked with him. this trucked even worked today like it did yesterday with no problem. i do like the scope idea. didnt think of that.
  2. Someone has a CRDPC202 for sale Anyone know what the last "C" stands for?
  3. Lmfao!!!!
  4. oh yea i completely agree. this wasn't fault of the rear ends themselves. he hires the worst drivers bc they are so called "his friends". when we work with them we just pull over when we see them coming up behind us in the pits bc they are hauling ass. truck bouncing all over the fucking road. tires are just skipping over the bumps. its crazy. they blow up a few motors as well. they rip off just about every bumper they put on. one guy ripped on the driverside door coming into the yard by catching the gate with it. i have no idea how someone does that with the driverside door but he ripped it clean off the hinges. we would tell the owner the owns these trucks and he wouldnt do anything about it. then when they kept braking all the CLs he traded a few of them in for the CUs thinking they where breaking bc they are junk when like we told him from the start its the drivers. now hes had the CUs for about a year and replaced all the rear ends in 2 out of the 3. relaced the full a/c system in 1. bumpers on 2 of them. emissions problems in all 3 which they need to go to mack for that bullshit all the time. always having lights popping up on the dash. and now as of last week one of them sounds like the motor is about to let go.but hey. its good thing he traded those CLs in bc that was the "problem" as he claims lol thanks for the screen shot on the tooth specs. ill be sure to check!
  5. funny you say that. a guy i work with has like 6 dumptrucks. he has everything from older 1995 CLs to newer GUs with autos and his drivers have broken the rear ends in all those trucks repeatedly. if you do the math he probably breaks 6 rears a year, every year and yes that includes the ones that where just fixed the year before. at one point he couldnt buy enough rear end parts fast enough as they would break them lol
  6. i see. this truck i found the first chunk of metal back in oct of last year or some shit. didnt think nothing of it. never gave me a problem so i said fuck it. SEND IT! lol looked the truck over again this weekend and found anther little piece but could be i didnt find it last time so who knows. i cant speak for whatever happened before i got the truck but as long as i had it its never opened it up or much less broken an axle. this truck has always had a slight vibration from day one. just enough to notice it but its been do that the whole time iv had it other then that you would really never guess anything is wrong with the drivetrain. no weird noises or sounds. everything works as it should. seems like the best way it to just pull it apart and look since there is no real sign of anything other then those pieces i found.
  7. called 3 places no one has one and i found like 2 online used that look like they been thru hell and back but they where the wrong ratio and no power divider.
  8. whole diff truck then that one lol the 460xt truck is going strong. working today as we speak
  9. iv had this truck for close to 10 years the rear has never been apart. only thing thats been open is pulling the axles to remove the hubs for some reason. the diff/carrier and housing have never been apart since iv owned it.
  10. I haven't pulled it apart yet. Truck is actually working everyday and doesn't make any noise or anything. No water what so ever.
  11. i wouldnt mind a reman but i was told by someone that works at mack that they dont deal with these rearends anymore. sooo not sure if they just send them out to get rebuilt when someone comes in with one or what or does someone other then mack have reman ones?
  12. do you have a idea what the cost of a rebuild is? i know im going to need a few hard parts replaced. found few broken teeth when i drained the oil.
  13. Looking for a maybe a good used one or rebuilder. This is actually my first fucked up one we ever had since owning dump trucks for 20 years almost so I'm not sure who the go to people are for this or which is a better route to take..... for some reason i can fine CRD92's just about anywhere all over but seems like the 202 one's are little more pita to track down. Im in FL if that matters. also whats the difference between a CRDP202 and CRD202?? and would be classified as a S462? http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ContractAdmin/Contracts/PurchDocs/023-16/RRTruc01/S462 46000 REARS.pdf i ask bc i dont understand why some say 3.92 gearing and some say 3.94 gearing. i dont think they would offer 2 very close like that in a 202 spec or are they both the same and people just say either or ratio??
  14. one of the front differentials on one truck seems to be taken a shit. it a Mack 202 carrier with air lock power-divider and 3.94 gear ratio. think the part number is 11KHA5458P2 can anyone tell me more about this diff or maybe lead me in the right direction to fine a replacement. not coming with much in google search. any help or info would be grateful. thanks.
  15. just getting around to updating this... i ended up ordering the velvac 032227 switch and it was the right one. my stock one didnt have the same numbers on it but its from 2000 so they might have changed part numbers since then.
  16. Every mack I have ever owned has been a E7 and wouldnt want it any other way. Few 460s and One 427 that's now convered to a 460xt (490hp). I wouldn't think twice going with a E7 motor. All mine where the 2000 to 2002 range as well. All ran great.
  17. still looking. had one guy message me on here but never heard back from him.
  18. are you replacing the spring packs?....... i did the same upgrade to my CL few years back. very nice piece. there was nothing wrong with mine at time but i wanted to do it before it took a shit. i replaced everything in the rear other then the rear ends themselves. my front end is still all factory original from 2000 and rides dead true. i can get 2 years out of a set of front floats with perfect wear. about once or twice a year i check the frontend for play or any wear parts and nothing. my truck has 600k on it now.
  19. when i had both autos and manuals in mack trucks. 2- 375hp allison 6spds auto VS 2-460/427 eaton 8spd manuals. the autos would do circles around the manuals around town and off-road (dirt/sand/mud). the manuals just couldn't keep up. on the highway it was the other way around. manuals owned that, all 4 where tri axle dumps.
  20. iv been using the same dealer since 2000. once in a blue moon i use anther one but its a lot farther away. the one i have been using since 2000 went to shit in 2006. all the old people left all at once. not sure what happen. the whole place was redone annnd that's when everything tanked. i knew all the old guys personally but nothing will work with these new guys if they cant even tell the difference on what belongs on a 20 year old CL compared to a 2018 volvo. they literally don't know what any part they pull off the shelf is or does. its very hard to work with people like that, i give them time. i have an account with them and they have all my trucks info. its just keeps getting worse and worse each year. the guys before knew every last bolt on these trucks. the new guys don't know shit about shit on any truck. there has also been times i gave them the part or item and they still would order the wrong part 2 or 3 times in a row. they just did it again recently when i was ordering new window regulator. had to be they messed up 3 or 4 times on that alone ordering me the right part. i just don't understand it. they also blame it on the computer that it doesn't say what the CLs have or some shit like they cant find it on the computer which makes no sense bc if you couldn't find it how in the hell did you come about ordering the wrong one in the first place if you never found anything the first dam time lol
  21. yea. they have few diff ones on ebay. just not sure which i need so i can order one before i get back in town so my truck isnt down. i only have one day a week to work on my truck if it needs anything and its on sundays and most places are closed so i need to have the part waiting for me to be installed without a problem on sunday.
  22. no i have not. whats the best way to contact him?
  23. the best mack dealer i have dealt with since 06 is the one mackpro works for. they know there shit and no BS but i hate to bother him all the time bc he seems like a busy man and i would need everything shipped to FL. and yes i did setup an account with PAI but i would need the right part number to look up to see if they have so i could order it from them.
  24. that part number isn't the part i need. that is more like the one swichy posted. 009501 in the VIN
  25. no lie. i was looking into buying peterbilts lol but as for the switch in my search they have a few different kinds but they look the same on the outside but the backs are different.
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