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Everything posted by 2000CL713

  1. picture i found on google. best i can do right now. out of a 98 CL (mines a 2000 CL). looks the same as mine by eye.
  2. im out of town right now. ill see if i can fine a picture on google. true it does the same but i have no place to mount a which like that since my dash isnt setup for it. that looks like it came out of a RD or maybe a superline?
  3. yes it did. from the factory but the 2 mack dealers around me are dual dealers and they both are garbage. i have posted about them before not being able to get parts. all they want to do is sell volvo stuff. older mack stuff is like a foreign language to them. im at the point where i want to sell my macks and buy a diff brand bc getting parts when i need them is becoming a BIG problem. i cant be waiting weeks or months for stuff bc of their stupidity.
  4. thats not the type of switch i have.
  5. in need of a new power divider switch that goes on the dash. been 3 weeks. 2 different dealers and no one knows what im talking about nor can fine a part number so they can order one. when they run the vin they cant find it either. does anyone know the part number? not sure if they changed between years but my truck is a 2000 CL713 thanks
  6. Still looking
  7. Idk why i read alot of problems with 01 and up 460s. We had a 01 and 02 460 and they both ran great. The 01 turbo let go at about 500k but so did mine 2000. Other then that they both did great and other then my truck now with a 460XT file on it the 2001 and 2002 would run laps around my 2000 when it had a 427 file. The 01 and 02 where 8LL fullers with 393 or 392 gearing and 24.5 tires.
  8. My 2000 CL713 with a 427 (now a 460XT) has been good to me in the almost 10 years id had it. Has 600k on it. Only things that have failed on the motor has been turbo and injectors and fan clutch. Everything else if replace was bc I wanted to just for piece of mind or I had to take it off for some reason and just replaced it with a new part bc I wanted to upgrade. My cousin has a 2001 CL713 460 since new and same story with him with things that have failed plus an air compressor. His is close to 800k. When it comes to the truck in its whole. Iv had more things break on the interior then anything lol just gets old and brittle over the years. And iv replaced all the susp front to back bc it was starting to sag. Nothing was broken. Just getting weak I guess you can say. We have dump trucks with mack camelback suspension.
  9. ok. do you think it should be changed? when do people usually change them? i read somewhere on here they need to be changed every 500k
  10. thanks. i will check them out and report back. wish there website didn't suck so much lol
  11. HA! aint that the truth. since i got you here mach-technician whats the recommended time to change a harmonic balancer? mine is the original one from 2000 with 600k miles. also do they made a better/upgraded one i should look into?
  12. oh yea. forsure, that's why we sold off that CV instead. we had them at the sametime but would still been nice just to see what that truck would been like set up with those upgrades. ours was a 05 or 06. other wise the truck really never gave us a problem. the only real issue we had was the cooling system. the fan was always on. fucking thing sounded like a jet plane non-stop bc it would never shut off and cracked few coolant tanks. but i heard later on they came out with fixes for both these problems i heard from guys that still had there CV's. just CB chat so i never saw with my eyes what the changes where. thats funny you say that. had a guy few weeks back in a sterling. not sure of what model or year it is. i don't keep up with there crap. fucking trucks are always falling apart all over the place. we where on the same job. his truck is geared to hit like 90mph. i also have no idea what motor or trans but its a manual. so we are both on the highway. he was behind me. so he thinks hes big and bad bc his truck can "so called" do 90. and he pulls out in the left lane and wanted to pass me lol so i said fuck it and drop the hammer and i just blow pass him. he was so mad when we got to the pit lol i told him "not bad for a almost 20 year old trunk" lmao, my CL might not have all the cool fancy shit the newer trucks have or have as nice of inside but it sure can hold its own. if i had the 427 file in it at the time this would have ended differently. that 427 just didn't do it for me. i have no idea what my truck tops out at. my speedo goes to 77mph and then stops counting for whatever reason. i talked with mackpro about it and he said to check the speedo sensor. might need adjusting but i know it was doing WAY over 77 that day lol
  13. yes it does sound a bit fishy unless the have done testing on these motors and know this for a fact its very questionable i wish we still had our CV713 just to see what it could do with all the upgrades like turbo/manifold/injectors/exhaust like some guys have done here. having the small intercooler and rad was always its down side.
  14. not bad, sounds like you got yourself a runner. if i ever have to services the injectors i might grad myself a stg 2.
  15. well it seems like mine dont since they sent me the wrong one 3 times.
  16. nice. iv driven a 2001 and 2002 CL-460 and 2000 CL-427 (now has 460xt file and max's out to 32psi. maybe little more) and none of them did 44psi but its good to hear some people are up there,
  17. and thats how i see it as well and why i question what he said. tossing 20 more lbs of boost without adding fuel isnt smart in my book. thankfully my turbo was fine tho.
  18. wow. sounds like a setup that would be interesting to look at and see what he came up with. few mounts back when i thought i had a turbo problem i was looking into these switch-blade turbos. i talked with one of those guys and they where saying my motor could handle 50psi without a problem and the turbo they would spec me is the same one they use on a c15. also said the stock injectors would work fine as well with the added boost over stock bc with the added air it would be more efficient. now whether or not i believe that last part they told me is still up in the air lol but when they told me the price for the setup i didnt care to think on that anymore since it was like $4000 and i wasn't about to spend that on some turbo and few parts.
  19. for a motor i use thompson motorsports in TX for standalone's you have a big price range for these motors. a good opt for a low cost and can handle whatever you want to do with the motor from making 300hp to 1200hp is a megasquirt. go to efisource,com and you can get a plug and play setup for less then $800 bucks if i recall.
  20. Should be that pipe. Got pic off Google but it should match my truck. Pipe looks like mine
  21. i gave them the vin each time and each time they sent the wrong one. this is nothing new for them. when i ordered the inter fender/hood rubber flats they sent ones for a granite. they have made things very difficult. the last 6 of my VIN is 009501 in case that can help anyone and it should be a 5inch pipe.
  22. Iv watched him for awhile but hes not very mechanically inclined or understands how things work very well which showed alot in his last or 2nd to last video when he was talking about exhaust related things. I do think he made a nice upgrade trunk wise but those 4 horns are God awful looking on that new KW. I would have spec a truck defiantly but I think its still a step above then what he had.
  23. Does anyone know the part number for the turbo elbow/down pipe that's right off the turbo exhaust housing with hole for the pyro sender??? 3 times mack has sent me the wrong one. Last on wasn't even for a mack. It was made for a Volvo. My truck is a 2000 CL713 with a E7-427.
  24. Im not planning on upping boost at all. Was just curious like posted above since you dont see alot of talk about it like you do on the cat side of things. Just got me thinking what the limit is of these motors. Seems like not many know since its a raod no one ever been on. Iv had macks for the last 15 years and I never upped boost passed whatever the factory files are or even injectors other then stock. Doesnt hurt to ask and wonder lol
  25. Wonder what a mack would feel like with 50lbs lol
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