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Everything posted by cfesting

  1. Looks like she did a good job! Just as an FYI, '66 Virginia should be white on black; DMV won't let you use a YOM antique tag that is the wrong color. Would look good on the wall, though. That tag isn't easy to find. T99-999 are "Truck" tags, "TH" are "Truck for Hire" and even less common. Low serial, too. Might be worth a couple of bucks in the correct colors.
  2. It's spending the night just up the road... on I77 North of 460 in WV. It's going through the tunnels in the AM - that should be interesting!
  3. That pic is actually on DD Jones' historic pic page. I do know that black on white tags in VA are for odd years through '71.
  4. Someone has a "storefront" on TruckPaper with a handfull of interesting antiques on it: '59 B-42 Cummins repowered single axle straight truck '65 B-61 single axle fifth wheel '60 B-61 single axle '62 B-75 single axle fifth wheel '68 DM685SX dual axle fifth wheel '47 LFT single axle fifth wheel Mack gasser '52 White WCA42T single axle fifth wheel No prices listed. There's also a '55 B-62 single axle fifth wheel on auction today for those impulse buyers.
  5. You might try asking over here.
  6. Rob is correct, though I myself was uncertain about the year cutoff. My pickup came from the factory with no signals and a single brake light, mounted on the left. If it's registered as an antique, then many states' laws will allow the setup as it came (or could have come) from the factory. Not sure how this applies to big trucks. If you have real tags instead of antique, then most likely you'll need signals. As said before, things vary a little by state.
  7. I just googled that trailer. It's on two 5K axles and the entire deck looks to be 82.5" wide with outboard fenders. Standard ball hitch. It's also 16' long deck. A B61's cab alone is 8.5' (might give you an estimate of your OL if you have a side photo of your truck). You won't be able to have rear overhang with fold-up ramps attached. And, if you have the cab all the way up to the nose of the trailer you could run into weight distribution issues (assuming no bed). I didn't notice what you were pulling with. Do you have any other trailer options? BTW, PM Sent.
  8. The front axle is wider than your 82.5" by at least half a foot, maybe more. I think some of the confusion comes from the chassis diagrams that show the back of the cab is ~71 inches. That may be, but the cab isn't as wide as the rest of the sheet metal. I also think the weight will be higher than stated above. I'd say minimum 10K for a short wheelbase single axle with no bed. But I'm sure someone else will have exact answers - I only know ballparks. And yes, there are a lot of unknown variables.
  9. Yep, it sure does! That habit was hammered into my head by friends when I started riding motorcycles some years ago. It still pays off, even when in my pickup...
  10. I like seeing pictures of things - so keep it up! The photo"bug" takes hold, doesn't it?
  11. I had a ~32,000 rated FL70 in the 90s and was pretty happy with it. Like you (but with FL) I had friendlies at the local service center. I might have powered or geared it differently if I did it again for the sake of overkill (and today's higher speed limits) but it was totally adequate. I really liked the interior room over the Fords and little Petes though the IH was probably comparable.
  12. Might as well head over to Blacksburg and check this one out: http://blacksburg.craigslist.org/cto/2220414954.html I emailed the listing but have not called. Got a response that was nice enough. Seems like this guy posted it for someone that is computer illiterate. This sounds like it is a stone's throw from my house. I received a couple of cell phone pics; the truck doesn't look half bad. I think the WB is longer than I'm interested in; but that might just be the angle. My plan is to call the guy tomorrow and try to see it this weekend. I'm 80% sure that I'm going to pass on it, but who knows! I'd be glad to pass along the info when I get it.
  13. Weird. So, when the delivery driver drops off these two Freightliners, what does he do with that "hitch"?
  14. I've seen this truck somewhere - TruckPaper dot com, I think. I remember it had no price but was "submit bid to:".
  15. I hear you on that one. I used to be an O/O leased on with a company with about 80% of the hauls going to auto (and big truck) plants. I prefer to call these plants "assembly" plants rather than "manufacturing" plants. Mindboggling how much is brought in, and at what level of completion. Example that comes to mind was a load of rear body clips for Dodge Vipers. Not only did they have taillights and wiring harnesses installed, they were also finish-painted including stripes.
  16. How can one visually identify a 711 with the newer, revised head bolts? Is it the number of head bolts used? Thanks!
  17. Hello, all - Ran across this auction - thought this section would be the best place to pass it along (no personal involvement/interest) now that the BMT's FS secion is sort of gone/changed. GovDeals sellers are government only, but anyone can buy. Located on I-64 in VA near the WV border. Ad Text (10 pics in auction): 1952 Mack - Fire truck with open Cab, Type 85 Fire Apparatus, pumper, Chassis Mod #85 -L-S-1637, Engine Model: ENF-707B, Six cylinder gas engine with 5 speed Manual Transmisson, 9,437 miles showing, very little rust on body, no cracked glass, Has most of the original fire equipment on truck: hoses, adapters, tools, ladders, original instruction and maintenance manual on truck and pump, Truck was running when parked but needed brake work. Truck has been in covered storage.
  18. It's a PR tool. Like advertizing, the money spent has unknown return - but there is *some* return on dollars spent. My coworker's husband was involved, in some manner, in this project. I'll see if I can get some intel.
  19. I have that photo as a framed poster hanging on my wall (OWL museum sells them, unframed). He was a pioneer of lighting for photography. He's from NY/NJ but many of his shots are taken in rural southwestern VA or WV. Found this, kinda neat interactive info on that shot. sorry to be off topic.
  20. Good find! I haven't been there in a while. These folks are also pretty involved in transit bus restorations also, for those that are interested. Not part of VMoT officially, but some of the same people. The O. Winston Link Train Museum a couple of blocks down the road is also worth a stop, even for non-train people.
  21. http://www.allofcraigs.com/ I think it works "OK" as far as results - I think it misses some good hits. I've been using it for a many months.
  22. When I lived in TN, it was even worse. I don't remember the details, but they had/have a pretty rough inventory tax for retailers - so nobody would stock much. I think it was applied monthly, and it was pretty high (to make up for having no state income tax, I'm sure). If I was in the Brisol area and needed a part that day, I went north into VA.
  23. I'm totally on board with this one (rare for me). However, I think there should be a reasonable, safe procedure for hard working honest immigrants to become citizens. Long story short, my folks tried to help a refugee family become citizens, and it was next to impossible. Now, I don't want citizenship to be handed out willie nilly - but their hurdles were pretty excessive. Maybe their case was the oddity?
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