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Everything posted by LocomotiveBreath

  1. Thanks for the LST breakdown. It makes sense now. It’s been awhile but I actually previously had received all of the information about my 1953 B-model from the museum. I was very impressed with the package they sent. I’ll reach out to them again for the SL.
  2. It may be an aluminum frame. I didn’t put a magnet on it and was painted kinda dark brown. I’m going to be on the hunt for a decent grill shell very soon. It’s hard working days are over. Shows and maybe toy hauling duties. Yes somewhat, that and I was a locomotive mechanic for 20+ years.
  3. I was thinking it was probably the 285 / 283 HP engine. I briefly looked for the tag yesterday. Lots of steam cleaning to do. It has a straight 5 speed with direct 5th gear. Previous owner said 59-60 mph was tops with current setup.
  4. Thanks, I never knew they even had a California factory until I bought this truck. Do you happen to have the breakdown by year? Also, does the Mack Historical Society keep records for these newer trucks like they did for the B-models?
  5. Hey guys it’s been a awhile since I’ve posted anything but I’m finally a proud Mack owner again. I just bought this ‘78 RWS786LST Superliner. It’s a long term restoration project that runs well. I’m trying to figure out how many ‘78s were built and what is the HP rating on the engine which I believe to be original. It is a Gold Dog truck and the VIN plate says Mack Western which I have never seen before. Any information will be appreciated. Thanks
  6. It might work. How does the upper piece attach to the lower piece?
  7. I just looked again and there is a second bolt pattern on the top plate which measures approximately 6" x 4.5" center to center. I believe this the standard big bolt pattern shift tower but I don't have one around to verify it. Thanks
  8. Looking for an standard upright shifter to fit a Mack 2050 transmission. The mounting bolt holes are about 3" center to center. Thanks
  9. I ran across this old farm truck on YouTube. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.c...ed/zcPHHEea3lE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. Good looking truck Rob. Have you had time to play with it much yet?
  11. 322 Nailhead, but there is also a 401 looking for a good home in the corner of my shop.
  12. I like the look of the tandems too. I'll probably swap the front axle over to Budd wheels for now as don't like the mis-matched wheel types. I think it originally had a OHV 371 cubic inch Continental, but that's long gone. A previous owner installed a Buick Nailhead in it connected to a 4 speed, which is then coupled to the original 5 speed. I'll probably keep it Nailhead powered for now as it actually runs pretty good. Whoever did the swap actually had some decent fabrication skills. I have a 1091 cubic inch Hall-Scott 400 sitting in the shop floor should I become bored with the Nailhead.
  13. Oh well, the Cat got the dog by 2 feet. Going to bed now, I gotta go to work tomorrow.
  14. I hope Bonner's Killer Mack holds on for the win. I have always thought it is the best sounding truck out there.
  15. Super semi's on RFDTV in 5 minutes.
  16. Rob, while I was driving up to your place earlier this week I started to pass a ragged out Buick Rendezvous. Even though it wasn't very old it obviously wasn't taken care of at all. As I passed I noticed how it was missing several pieces of body mouldings on the drivers side, scratched up, dented up, windows flithy, etc. It ended up passing me just before I got into St. Louis traffic, this time I got a look at the passenger side. The headlight assy. was being held in with multiple layers of duct tape and it looked worse than the drivers side. The real kicker was the Obama 2012 bumper sticker on the rear. I remember thinking "how fitting".....
  17. Went by there Friday, and they finally got the bridge pillar repaired. The right lane and the shoulder had been blocked off since the accident.
  18. Cool old car. Most all the derbys in this part of the country have banned the early Imperials.
  19. I probably won't attempt a full on restoration. It's been modified quite a bit over the years. I'm debating on whether or not to keep the tandems. They are not original to the truck. I'm not even sure which model of Timken worm drive axles it actually has. They seem to be in pretty good shape though, don't have a bunch of slack in them or anything. I know the tires diameters have to be closely matched if I keep them. Do any of you guys recognize them? If I keep the tandems, I'm going to replace the front axle with one that uses Budd wheels. I have one laying around that I think will work fine. However, if I were to find a similar vintage 6 spoke (Dayton Style) single rear axle with hydraulic brakes and a decent gear ratio I'd probably go that route.
  20. I remember you saying the engine wasn't stuck and that got me thinking, and me thinking is usually a dangerous thing. I'm sure that old gray cat will appreciate you filling that parking spot with something confortable again.
  21. I finally picked up my '48 Federal that has been hanging out with a bunch of mean ole Bulldogs at Rob's place in Farmington for the last two years. I was under the impression from the previous owner that it had engine problems and wouldn't run, but some fresh gas and a hot battery was all it took to get it going again. YouTube link attached "http://www.youtube.c...vyZiQc-M?rel=0"
  22. Damn, I missed it. IMO the greatest guitarist of all time. Grew up in the same neighborhood, just a couple of blocks over from him.
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