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Everything posted by LocomotiveBreath

  1. Rob, I have one of the US Gear Dual Range OD units. I bought it off Craigslist for $300.00, it currently has the transmission adapter for a T-18 four speed but US Gear sells the different tranny adapters for around $300.00. They are built beefier than the Gear Vendors unit and might be a little better when draging home heavy new toys. http://www.usgear.com/dual_range.htm
  2. That thing sounds good. I bet it will be in the 11's very soon.
  3. Good to hear its running and the water didn't hurt anything.
  4. I have had the same problem before when only replacing the drive tires. I had Bridgestone V-Steel's all the way around on an old truck and it drove great. I put new Goodyears on the rear later and the truck felt like the rear end was about to fall out. I ended up bitching enough they took the Goodyears back. I bought 4 more V-Steel's and everything was back to normal, the truck drove fine again. The Goodyear regional rep. explained that the V-Steel's sidewall was much stiffer than the Goodyear so any steering input was being magnified by the Goodyear sidewall flex. He said it would have been fine if there were Goodyears up front too, but at that point I just wanted my V-Steel's back.
  5. Maybe winter blend fuel?
  6. I just bought a 2050 transmission from him. Good guy to deal with, honest description, fast shipping, great price, I would not hesitate to buy from again.
  7. Sounds like you got yourself a beast there. Did you replace the fuel filters? No telling what's been in em. Fresh filters filled with diesel and a little Marvel Mystery Oil might just do the trick.
  8. Notice he said g/f, everything changes when they get papers on you.
  9. Here are a few R model shock mounting pictures for ya. The shock measures about 23" ctr. to ctr. at level ride height. The R model upper spring mounting pad has the cast in lower shock mount and the upper mount bolts to the frame. The R spring is wider but it looks like you could probably just mill some off each side of the R model spring mounting pad to allow its use with the narrower B springs. Hard to say for sure without pulling the mount but it would be an easy mod. if it worked.
  10. I've been doing some measurements of my own and the R600 front axle is about 5" wider overall than the B model front axle.
  11. And that is only $2.00 a hundred right now.
  12. We know why your single now...
  13. Well at least now I know I'm not the only one with a understanding wife.
  14. If it turns over then it will probably run. I always get nervous about the valve springs when they sit up that long. I've seen more than a few engines drop a valve due to the springs breaking from sitting up so long in the same place. Good luck with it.
  15. Looks pretty straight, have you barred it over yet?
  16. As an EX big city street racer from the 80's, Im not judging you but street racing is bad news these days, the cops don't have a sense of humor about it anymore. Here in Texas it can turn into a Felony real quick if something goes wrong. As to your question the track "dirt surface" is normally a clay mixture that is kept slightly moist to help the tires bite without digging in too much. There are several things that can cause the trucks to veer left like observed in the video. Here are just a few; uneven moisture on the surface, previous puller dug out ruts and left soft spots in the surface, uneven track, track wasn't packed well to begin with so the later pullers don't have a good firm consistant pulling surface, etc. etc. You should get out of the city long enough to go watch a tractor pull sometime, you will be amazed at the technology and power you will see.
  17. I got the old truck home a couple of hours ago. I should have some cheap R600 parts for sale very soon. Going to post in the for sale section as well.
  18. I already had your "last call" youtube video saved to my favorites, the old dog sounds pretty good. I have a few vids of some of my junk posted on youtube as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1E_OBPpEVs
  19. Nice looking truck. The track sure went away for the later pullers, looked like the moisture started coming back to the top. This is my favorite Mack puller, at least for now. Keep us updated.
  20. Thanks Dak, I plan to use 11-22.5 rubber on the old dog. Here is a website I occasionally use that has some helpful automotive calculators. http://www.wallaceracing.com/calcmph.php Another quick and easy to remember formula is mph x 340 x gear ratio / tire diameter = rpm I have just about got the wife (warden) convinced to let me drag that R600 home long enough to get it parted out. How much is a good used TR1076 with a PTO worth?
  21. Thanks, I'll bet those old factory built Mack pickups are worth a fortune.
  22. David, if I end up buying this thing, that .60 OD will be perfect with my 5.83 gears. $500.00 doesn't sound like a bad price either.
  23. Ok, went and looked the truck. The engine sounds good, good oil pressure, etc. No intercooler or aftercooler the boost goes straight from the turbo to the intake manifold. The transmission has 1076 stamped on the side and Maxitorque emblems cast in, it also has a good PTO on it. I am assuming this is a TR1076 5 speed, which is direct 1 to 1 in 5th correct? BTW Paul, the rear cab corners look solid. The VIN starts out R685T
  24. If I end buying the R600 I should have plenty of leftover parts that I have no use for and I will certainly keep the cab corners in mind for you. Can someone tell me when they started using the T2050 transmissions?
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