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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. Top RH Corner of Every Post are 3 little Dots.. Click on them a Drop down menu appears..!! One of the Options is Report post... !!
  2. I've gone back 11 Months in the Odds & ends Section & a similar Timeframe in the "Deleted Content" Folder all to No avail.. Sorry mate, I've NFI where it ended up..
  3. Do you remember the Thread Title..?? & roughly How long ago..?? I'll dig it up for you If I can..!! I very much doubt it was deleted (& if so It wasn't by Me)
  4. Good Job, Mate.. You (& Your helper) have learnt something & saved yourself a few Bucks, Gotta be happy with That.. !!
  5. What part of Australia are you In, Nitro...??
  6. ^^^^^^^ What he said ^^^^^^^
  7. I have a feeling that the SHOCK has only just begun.. Inflation is Rising, We only need Interest rates to start rising, & We'll be in for a very rough Time..!! Sincerely Hope I'm proven Wrong, though..
  8. You can't save them All, But that one Definitely deserves to be Saved...!!
  9. Fairly sure the Flywheel housing will be a SAE#2... But happy to be corrected..
  10. Are you sure It's the Kingpins & Not the wheel bearings..??? My Advice is for You to Buy or borrow a jack & check them Out..!!
  11. Neo, I'd suggest that you purchase a Manual for your Truck.. https://www.autopaper.com/1981-mack-truck-mid-liner-ms200-series-owners-manual-original-care-operation.php https://diyrepairmanuals.com/product/1982-mack-truck-mid-liner-service-manual/ https://www.auto-repair-manuals.com/Mack-Truck-Mid-Liner-Brake-and-Air-System-Service-Manual.html https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/324102646823?chn=ps&_ul=AU&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1SpXbA9WERBO6L8YbaYYLYg38&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&itemid=324102646823&targetid=1597821229625&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9071992&poi=&campaignid=14474119807&mkgroupid=127424473355&rlsatarget=pla-1597821229625&abcId=9300653&merchantid=9481802&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_Livo-Kh9gIVnppmAh3UoQCNEAQYASABEgKekPD_BwE It will make things so much easier for You...!!
  12. I think he means 2 6volt batteries.. But I have been wrong before (Just ask My Wife)
  13. Back in the 90's We Could CH Select with Detroit Series 60s fitted & CL Select with CAT Power. In the early 2000's We got ISX powered Superliners & Titans, But Once Volvo released the D16 they were Dropped..
  14. Probably has a Roller Door.!
  15. Nice Thread Mine (4 Years) Junebug... I'd suggest ringing the Number in the OP & asking directly... !!
  16. Paul, I swear by This Stuff..(& Loctite 680 retaining compound..) Oldest Son is an Apprentice mechanic at the Local New Holland Farm machinery Dealer, & his Toll Box is full of CNH Branded Stuff, that Looks very similar to Loctite Products..
  17. Every Truck pictured in this thread has Tubeless Rims..!!
  18. That's a Series 2 Superliner... From Memory the Australian design rules (ADR) on headlight height changed..
  19. They have a Different offset to the normal rims like these Rims..
  20. What is the username of your original account.??
  21. I just read that the Colorado Governor reduced His Sentence down a Hundred Years to just 10 years........
  22. What a Shitty rougharse Job..
  23. I've NFI if this is of any help to You.. https://ku-part.com/kubota/gear/6881124210/
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