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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. People today want (or should I say Demand) Instant Gratification in everything they Do.. If they Don't get the answer they're looking for Immediately They just move on to he Next forum/facebook page or whatever... Sorry for being so cynical, But .....
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^ This is the Bit I missed^^^^^^^^^^^ Thanks for the Clarification..!
  3. oldspwr, It's DUMB Question Time.... Instead of cutting the Chassis Rail. Could you had removed the Radiator undo the Front Engine Mounts & jack the Front of the Motor up enough to Get the Steering Box Out..??? Or have i missed something.. You do GREAT work though..very neatly Done...
  4. Glen, Next time you see a post like that can you click on the 3 Dots on the Top RHS of the Post, A drop down Menu will appear Click on Report Post & one of We Mods will sort It Out.. Thanks.
  5. What Water Hoses are you Blowing.?
  6. Paul, VMR is Volvo/Mack's factory Recon division... That's why it doesn't look like a Mack Part Number.. https://vmrtruckparts.com.au/ https://www.macktrucks.com.au/parts-and-services/parts/used-and-exchange-parts/
  7. https://www.facebook.com/100009735069588/videos/1438979013103254/
  8. Nor have We here in Australia, They're unheard Of.....
  9. Bit of a Thread Hijack here... But.. When You're referring to a 1/4 You mean a quarter of a Square mile (160 Acres).....????
  10. Mattj, Don't know If these are any help to you.. One from Russia..... https://tehnika.agroserver.ru/zapasnye-chasti/tsilindr-laz-layner-stsepleniya-glavnyy-pod-pedalyu-5575-fte-95263.htm One from Belgium... https://www.garage-mahieu.com/en/article/clutch-master-cylinder-dt-5575-fte-479-6111213
  11. Paul, I believe It is True ...
  12. Not Where I live Vlad.. We have all 4 seasons here..
  13. Hayseed

    China Bombs:

    I've had a very Good run out of Triangle Tyres From China.......
  14. Pretty sure All the Guys with those Long tall gear sticks are compensating for something else NOT being Long...🪕 As for Power, well... I did a HEAP of work with an 8V71 powered Truck. 320Hp & 800ft/lb of Torque.. Now doing the same sort of thing with 580hp & 1850ft/lb.. Progress isn't Too bad I reckon..
  15. No your 100% correct Steve.. i was just Too lazy to type Freightliner/Mercedes Benz & Fuso..
  16. My experience going to Truck Shows here in Paul, is.. All the Historical/Vintage truck Shows Don't charge An entry fee.(or I've never been to one that does). The only ones that Charge an Entry fee are the Shows with all the Modern Trucks that give out heaps of Prizes. & are (in My Opinion) Nothing more than Appendage Measuring Contests....!!
  17. Velocity Truck Centres have just bought out the largest Freightliner Dealer here in Australia Too.
  18. Glad you're both Ok Paul.. Good luck with the insurance Company, They're a law unto themselves...........
  19. Do they only issue you with One..? if so wouldn't that be a waste of Time..??
  20. The bit that the Chrome Extension fits into is(I Think) a Donaldson Cyclopac Precleaner.. Ads for buying Them I'd guess either as Spare Parts, or from a Wrecking Yard..
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