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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. I just noticed This ^^^^ it needs to be sorted our First.. In My opinion..
  2. ^^^^ Plus one to this..^^^^^ Is It going to be a Toy..?? or a Work Truck..?? if your Going to Work It? I hope you're Handy on the Spanners.! 'cause you'll be spending all your weekends (& then some) Keeping It up to scratch.. i can't see the Spoke Wheels causing you any Dramas at all. I'm with alex g when It comes to Brakes though..
  3. I would Check that the Airline from the Compressor to the Wet Tank isn't carboned Up..
  4. You could just about pull Christ off the Cross with That Paul...
  5. Disc Brakes are nowhere near as popular here, Today than they were 10-15 Yrs ago. For the Simple reason that they're substantially Dearer to Maintain.. Drums, Shoes, S cam & hardware Kit will be in the low to mid $200 range. per wheel end Whereas Discs Pads Ect will mid to High $300(& higher) range per wheel end.. & because the total Friction area on Disc Brakes is Smaller than on a Drum setup, They run a softer compound that wears out quicker so you're replacing Pads more often that your replacing Linings.. Though in Fairness. The aftermarket range of Disc Brake parts is slowly Getting more extensive, & slowly becoming more affordable..
  6. Correct GA_Dave,Here in Australia, member Countries of the British Commonwealth had far more free-er (if that's a word) Trade agreements. Hence anything that came in through Canada (IE; Mercury) was substantially Cheaper than the same thing that came in from the U.S.A.
  7. Either that, or; Life has got in the Road of the Toys. !!
  8. You'd have to wonder about the Long Term Future of UD.. Volvo Stuffed up a Damn Good Truck & p!$$*d off a Lot of Good Dealers when they took over UD Here in Australia..
  9. You do realise you've revived a Seven & a Half year old Thread...????
  10. No, Not to My Knowledge.. MR yes, the LE/LR Not that I'm aware of.. Bit of useless Trivia. The parent Company of Cleanaway (Trans pacific Industries[TPI]) at one Time Owned Western Star Trucks . Before getting an All Cash Offer they couldn't refuse from Freightliner.. They also retained Australian/new Zealand Marketing rights for Western Star. Much to Daimler's Disgust. TPI were Also Australian Distributer for the English garbage Truck Chassis Dennis..& MAN Truck & bus. TPI sold the Truck division to Roger Penske a few Years ago. & is now a mere Shadow of It's Former Self..
  11. Here in Australia the We get a MP8 with 535Hp & 1920ft/lb of Torque.. https://www.macktrucks.com.au/powertrain-and-suspensions/engines/mp8/ Whereas I see, you guys only get 505/1860...
  12. Here's an Old thread all about It..
  13. You're well & truly off the Melways there Swish...
  14. The 71 series is 71 Cubic Inchs per cylinder. 92 series is 92 Cubic Inchs. 53 series is 53 Cubic Inchs
  15. Don't Forget IZUSU have also signed a very similar Deal with Cummins Too..
  16. That's at least the 3rd Truck Manufacturer to abandon their medium Engines to Cummins.. They Too clearly think the Future is Electric Power..
  17. I only got 65 emails!!...... i feel left out (Not) PS: If you do click on the Link? your Computer will end up with more Virus's than Elsa....
  18. It's got a good pelt on It..Too.. wonder what it'd be worth... They're worth SFA down here. Not worth skinning..
  19. That goes for Me Too...
  20. The Place Where i get My Roadranger parts from sells Italian Eurocambi Aftermarket parts & they tell Me they have less warranty claims than the genuine parts. Though They will only sell genuine Syncro assemblies.. https://www.euroricambigroup.com/en
  21. Lucky It was only Diesel, otherwise there would've been a BIG bang I reckon... I would believe this.. A couple of years ago near here a Fuel Tanker Crashed & Spilt 2-3 Compartments of Petrol. They Road was dug Up to about 3 Metres Deep where the Spill was The EPA deemed it to be Toxic Waste. Took about 3 Months before the Road was open Again..!! I understand the tanker operator had Barely enough Insurance to cover the Cleanup Bill...
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