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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. At the risk of opening a can of Worms... ^^^^ this is a Myth.............IMHO.
  2. Here's an Article about the Couple who made this Video.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-23/truck-driver-takes-flight-showcasing-unique-view-of-nullarbor/10837250
  3. Here's a couple of Decent Mack Australia Promotional Videos..
  4. This video give a pretty good snapshot of Urban/Regional Trucking in & around Sydney here in the 80's
  5. Hi Jojo, What type of device are you viewing the Forum with?? I've had a look with both My PC & Phone & I can see the Box on Both. It's under Filter by click on or Tick It & the Trashcan icon should appear on a Popup for you to delete..
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunda_cliffs 2 lane all the way Brocky..they only sealed the last section in 1976.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyre_Highway
  7. Jojo. when you're in your Attachment folder, click on the Box at the Far RHS of the list of Attachments. A popup will appear, click on the Trash can icon. Your done. If you have any dramas ?? PM me..
  8. What about being a Dealer who Can't sell anything for 9 months...!! Bet that there's very Little (if any) compensation for them..
  9. Here's a pretty cool Video.
  10. Merry Xmas Skippy (& Mr Skippy) What do you Plan on Towing with SkippyMack ? [img]https://galleries.page.link/KkLjp[/img]
  11. Well, That's My new thing learnt for Today... never Knew they Owned JLG equipment..
  12. You 2 Guys (Vmac3 & Joey Mack) do realise you've answered a 6 yr Old Question..?? Great Info, & insight though. You can never beat experience.!! Moise, Welcome. It's a Bit hard to solve your ISX Problem given the Info Provided (especially on a Mack Forum !!) Like Most things though. Best to start with the Simple little things First & work your way up from there.! How long since you've changed the Fuel Filter??
  13. Not a damn Thing...
  14. You & Your Husband are doing Great Work, SkippyMack..
  15. Welcome Joe, Pics of how It sits now will do..
  16. I remember those Iron Transfers Paul.. I also Remember Mum using Iron patchs on My Trousers.
  17. You must have "man boobs" there Pop..??
  18. That's a typical Side effect of any Steroid use, From My Observation..!
  19. Engine Oli is getting past the Cylinder rings on the Compressor piston.. Time to either rebuild the Compressor or get a New/Exchange one..
  20. They Look nothing Like what My old F model had either Timmy..! Pure W.A.G. But check out Jaycar, they have all sorts of Odd stuff..
  21. Is that going to become "Otherdogs" Dog house when he's in Trouble with Zina from Florida??
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