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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. MMmm Two Beers, two arms One Mouth & one computer.. You are now. No need..
  2. The Burren was Banned Not for stirring the Pot. BUT for being a "Shill" account of a another long term Member.. It's very possible (If not certain)You Know exactly who I'm Talking About..
  3. I think If You said this over there. You'd have "Robust Discussion" on your Hands., The vast majority of them (Including the guys who Own/Run It) are (Extremely) dissatisfied EX members of ATHS...
  4. Yaaa, But Swish. The back chain'd get Tighter if It creeped forward.. Brocky, Jack & Noel Molloy were big Cummins fans would've been either C160 or C180's ...same for the Bruce Marks Truck..
  5. You might be (maybe Not) thinking of this Thread.. https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/64383-cummins-x15-powered-mack-trident-trial/
  6. Probably the reason It's got the Oversize Load Sign on It..
  7. personally, I'd leave it "as is" maybe buff the Cab & paint the Chassis, fit a Body & enjoy.... But That's Me..
  8. You're doing a Great Job.. At the end of the day It's; Your Truck, Time & Money.. This sums It Up I reckon.. I look forward to seeing the Finished Product..
  9. Sorry, I "Borrowed" Some of the Pics off facebook & the Link seems to have has expired... I'll stop trying to take Shortcuts & Upload them Properly form now on In..
  10. The same could be Said about Any Forum.. A few years ago Forums were the only Show in Town. But Now with the Proliferation of Social Media, & in Particular Facebook & It's Hundreds (If Not Thousands) of Groups or Pages catering for EVERY whim & Taste a Lot of People have Moved Over There. (even if some of them are like the Wild West) I'm an Admin on the probably the largest Vintage/Historical Truck Forum here in Australia, & have Noticed a Distinct turning of the tables lately Information on a Forum is far more "searchable & retrievable" than on facebook where it basically just fades into Thin air after a couple of Days..
  11. Put a V8 Scania Motor In It, & they'd have a queue a Mile Long..
  12. We're getting Closer to getting the Anthem.. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/industry-news/2011/exclusive-mack-sings-a-song-of-safety-as-standard
  13. I've done some of My Best Work in the Dark...😇
  14. It'll be interesting to see how this will affect Cummins. Looks like they'll be left out in the Cold..
  15. But they're now One & the Same..
  16. I'm with Mark, Get another Clutch.... You'll only have to do It once that way...
  17. An interesting Read.. https://www.truckinwithkermie.com/blog/dennis-stuperas-trucks-cars-and-corn-flakes
  18. https://www.facebook.com/1421873754525889/videos/389253665395385
  19. Aaahhh, but was that his Real Name..???
  20. First Time you Change a Tyre, They'll get flung in the Bin.. I'd reckon.
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