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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. It's NOT a Mack Pickup conversion. But, here's a Nicely Done (apart from the Colour[My Opinion]) Aussie Pickup conversion.. https://www.truckinwithkermie.com/blog/laurie-reads-inter-difference?fbclid=IwAR2BQIDc0VrAek9_gY0fspusRHFlBNHGL74K25AEIR_UGXQXKIZXFhdMWSI
  2. Yep, remember them Well. & in the Winter time All rugged up & wearing a raincoat. No half Windscreen down here.. Most of 'em wore a Motor bike Helmut to keep the bugs out of their eyes..
  3. Welcome Ozark, Best thing to Do. would be, to Post some Pictures of what You have.
  4. No need for you to take Your Bat & Ball Home just Yet.. There's a Wealth of Experience here, That WILL help you get Your Truck Going... It's just that We're a; Straight Talking Straight, Shooting Bunch. That may (sometimes) be a little rough around the Edges..
  5. ^^^^^^^^^My Money's on this being your problem. But, as has been said. Best to Pull the head & have a Look..
  6. Danny, Try Here...https://www.gleeman.com.au/ For years & years they were the go to place for aftermarket Mack Parts, & ran an extensive Mack only Wrecking yard. However they got Taken over/Merged a few years ago & seem to be a mere shadow of their former self..
  7. https://www.trucksales.com.au/editorial/details/karreman-quarries-tops-500-macks-126649/
  8. I'm led to believe, that here in Australia. The Constellation Cab will be sold here for quite a While. It will be several years before We get the X series.. But I guess Time will Tell...
  9. I sincerely Hope Not...
  10. Correct. Our loss is Definitely Your Gain.. Here's an interesting article (By the same journalist) on Volvo in Australia.. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/industry-news/2009/volvo-dumps-brisbane-truck-show-under-the-cover-of-covid
  11. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/product-news/2009/cummins-tempts-trident News has emerged of a Mack Trident punched by a 15-litre Cummins X15 engine starting long-term trials with high-profile Queensland company Followmont Transport. While a cone of silence has descended on most people involved in the exercise, history has a profound habit of repeating itself and a successful trial over the next year or two could have a far bigger impact than simply turning Trident into a dog with more bite.
  12. I've had the same problem. Eddy must've forgot to pay the Bill..
  13. Looks Terrible without a Sunvisor In My Opinion...
  14. probably should be in Doubleclutchs FAIL thread as Well...
  15. This Old Girl has Worn Well.. Or is It just Well Worn...
  16. I had a Steel dash F model many years ago. & with the Exception of the Tachograph. Looks to be very similar(if not the same), to my old Foggy memory. If It came from New Zealand, There's a fair chance It was Built here In Australia...!
  17. ^^^^^Plus One to this ^^^^^^^
  18. A superliner at Work...!!
  19. https://www.queenslandcountrylife.com.au/story/6926611/pulling-the-wool-for-six-decades/62816007/?fbclid=IwAR19e2GY_ndD91OZOCDqjQHJPALHBMlnfM5nV5A4qTLQCKxceXLGqpMI6r0
  20. If you'd like the Thread Title changed? Send one of us Mods a PM with what you'd like it changed to, & someone will do It for You..
  21. You & Me Both..
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