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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. Looks a lot like a Crossmember out of an Old White to Me..!! BISTBC
  2. Yep, Plus the Seat on the Floor & Exhaust Stacks you can stick your head down. are in the same League in my opinion. Very True Paul.. Different Strokes for Different Folks..
  3. We got quite few Non EGR 14.0 Litre Series 60's down here..!!
  4. Here in Australia Our MP8 is available @535/1920 https://www.macktrucks.com.au/powertrain-and-suspensions/engines/
  5. It Looks like an earlier 6X series to Me. which ran to '68 then the 6Y series ran to '75.. though I've never seen an early X series with a Spin on Oil filter I thought they all had Cartridge type Oil Filters. I spent thousands of Hours during My early Teenage Years on a Ford 4000. cutting raking & Baling Hay..
  6. The highlighted Bit Sounds FISHY in the Extreme to Me.. As has been mentioned , Escalate the issue up the Food chain... I've NFI what the lemon Laws/consumer Laws are like where you Live, BUT he Threat of a bit of Govco Intervention works wonders Too..!!
  7. 770 HP & 2730 Ft/Lbs of Torque https://www.scania.com/au/en/home/products/trucks/v8/v8-specifications.html
  8. they've been on a bit of a roll down here the last few Years..!1
  9. I'm 99.99% sure that they're Both Scania sourced, & are exactly the same as the Scania Super 13 Drivetrain... Where's kscarbel when you need him..🔎
  10. Cheers & Beers Brocky..
  11. Sounds Like A Job for a Speedi sleeve to Me..!! https://www.sealsolutionsaustralia.com.au/product/speedi-sleeve/
  12. You Need a High Fence (Or a Hedge) so the Nosey Neighbors can't see what Treasure you Have...!!
  13. I've moved It to the Antique & classic Mack Section for You ..570
  14. This any help to you Mate.. Year 1971 Manufacturer MACK Model RL700L Condition Used VIN RL767LST9897
  15. Cheers Joey, Another lap of the Sun is an Achievement at any Age..!!
  16. That's a Cunning Stunt........LOL I have seen someone (with bigger gonads than I) put a clip on Tyre chuck on & fold/Kink the hose over to block it, Dribble a little bit of Petrol (gas to you) around the Bead, then throw a lighted match & let the hose unkink at the same Time. The Whoosh creates a vacuum & the rush of Air will seat the Bead..!!
  17. Good Job, Mate.. Our Kids are the only true Legacy We leave behind, Everything Else is Just Possessions.. Just My 2 Cents Worth.
  18. Ausmack1, There's a Company over in Perth who Specialize in I Shift M Drive Transmissions. who Fit an Upgraded (I think aftermarket European) Syncro Kit to them. https://perthtrucktrans.com.au/volvo-i-shift I've never dealt with Them but have only heard good Things about them.. & as everyone Knows Bad news travels faster than Good News..
  19. Good Job Bob, Another Lap of the Sun Under Your Belt..!! No mean Feat at our advancing Age.. A case in point.... I've been to14 Funerals in the last 17 Weeks... Makes you Stop & think..
  20. Can't help you Terry. I do know Eddy had recently changed Host server provider...!!
  21. I agree,!
  22. Anything Floating around in the Tank, & getting sucked onto the end of the Pickup Tube, Then floating away once the suction lets Go..??
  23. Paul, When we Moved into Town. I bought a Block in the Industrial Estate For My Shed & Boy Toy Storage. If something Happens to me the Kids can sell My crap, Wife can Rent (or sell )The Shed without having to Move.. Or She We can Move House Or Downsize as we get Older without having to Move/Sell all My Crap..
  24. Bob, Paul is putting his Vids on His youtube channel & linking the Vids to here at the Forum..
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