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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. This one was Built in Brisbane, Prior to 1989 Louisvilles were Built in Melbourne.
  2. Here's one of My Old red Fords.
  3. Well said paul. David You've lead a very Interesting & Full Life. Kudos to you for you Success. I've no doubt It entailed a lot of hard Work. As My Late Grandfather used to always say..The Only Place Success comes before Work, is in The Dictionary.
  4. Would someone mind explaining to Me, What's Different about a Premier Edition.?? We never got them Down here.!
  5. These might Help.
  6. Too True, & unfortunately Are more the exception than the Norm Today..
  7. It'll depend on how many Clearance (chicken) Lights you have Paul....🐓
  8. Sounds like the Pressure switch is Faulty.. Or at least that's where I'd Look First..
  9. You Forgot the 8 inch Exhaust Stacks...
  10. I'd imagine Swishy's Biggest Problem would be finding someone willing enough to Drive a Truck that's Older Than Him/Her...! Good Staff are very hard to Find, & harder to keep in this day & age..
  11. Here in Australia, The CH was available in either ELITE or SELECT models . the Elite was ALL Mack Driveline, & the Select had Series 60 engine, Roadranger G/box. Rockwell or Eaton Diffs & Hendrickson Air bag suspension. The Long bonnet CL was available with Cat or serie60 engine Options as well as the V8. From the early 2000's until (I think) 2010 the Signature was available in the Superliner & TItan.
  12. Ford threw the baby out with the bathwater back in 1997 when the gave the HN80 away to Benz. They've got 23yrs of catching up to Do, & It Ain't gunna happen.
  13. Nepotism Is alive & Well, So It Seems.......
  14. I Didn't realise Kodak was still About. I thought that they went Bankrupt 10 (or so) years ago..
  15. It's being available here in Australia for over 12 months. & the latest Sales figures I've seen are they've only delivered 3 across the entire Country in that Time..!!
  16. Those Chonda's are almost as good as the real thing...!!
  17. Hope the Drive Axle doesn't have Wedge Brakes Too..
  18. Those Riveted (Or I should say Huck Bolted) Cabs, never stood up to Our Road Conditions very Well...!! Every one I've ever Seen all the Rivets around the Grill holding the engine Tunnel in. Were ALL either Loose & sloppy or had being repaired..
  19. Here's a little bit of Free advice, for you to contemplate before next clicking on Submit reply Attack the content of the Post, Not the Poster..! Consider yourself warned..
  20. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/product-news/2007/cnhi-and-fiat-chrysler-face-diesel-emissions-probe CNHI AND FIAT CHRYSLER FACE DIESEL EMISSIONS PROBE Date: 23.07.2020 Iveco and Fiat commercial vehicle engines reportedly also in the frame Eurojust coordinated the raids The diesel emissions scandal that plagued Volkswagen (VW) for much of the last decade looks like causing a world of pain for Iveco parent CNH Industrial (CNHI), along with Fiat-Chrysler Automobile (FCA). Alleged use of ‘defeat devices’ on Iveco, Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Jeep engines is the focus of raids in three European countries. Reports from Germany put Fiat and Iveco commercial vehicle engines in the same ‘Dieselgate’ spotlight. "CNH Industrial confirms that a number of the Group’s offices in Europe have been visited by investigators in the context of a request for assistance by magistrates in Germany," the global firm says in a statement. "The Company immediately made itself available to the officials, providing its full cooperation. "CNH Industrial is examining the relevant documentation in order to properly address any requests that the magistrates may have." Five years ago, when VW was the focus of legal action over its diesel defeat program, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) led the domestic regulatory reaction. "This enforcement investigation is a priority for the ACCC," chairman Rod Sims said at the time. "We are very concerned about the potential consumer and competition detriment from this alleged conduct. "First, using defeat devices is specifically prohibited under the Australian Design Rules, which are picked up as Australian Consumer Law (ACL) mandatory safety standards." "As the enforcer of the ACL, the ACCC can take action against any corporation that has breached mandatory standards." An ACCC spokesperson tells ATN today that it "cannot comment on any potential investigations". Read how the ACCC tackled the VW emissions scandal, here Without naming the two vehicle giants controlled ultimately by the Agnelli family, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) says investigators from Germany, Italy and Switzerland are searching three commercial properties "of a company located in Baden-Württemberg and Hesse in Germany, as well as in three locations in Italy’s Piedmont region and one location in the Swiss canton of Thurgau". The raids seek to gather evidence on ‘defeat devices’ used to cheat diesel emissions testing, the marketing of vehicles and individual responsibility to the alleged actions. The duration of the ongoing searches is currently unknown. In addition, "UK authorities have ordered two companies in London to produce relevant documents". "Judicial authorities in Germany are conducting an in-depth fraud investigation on the use of more than 200 000 diesel ‘defeat devices’ in cars produced by an international automotive group and international commercial vehicle manufacturer, as well as their subsidiaries," Eurojust states. "Coordinated searches to gather evidence are being carried out in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. "The action was planned and coordinated with the support of Eurojust to ensure secure and efficient information exchanges between involved judicial and law enforcement authorities, agree on joint prosecutorial strategies and prepare operational actions, including today’s searches. "The Frankfurt am Main Prosecution Service – Center [sic] for Commercial Criminal Matters – is leading the investigation in Germany against a number of responsible people working in the international automotive group. "The investigation is focused on the suspicion that diesel engines installed in several car models sold by the company would be equipped with an illegal defeat device." The organisation explains that whereas the vehicles meet the emissions standards under test conditions, the defeat device allegedly effectively shuts down the emissions control system in real drive conditions. "Such defeat devices are illegal according to the European Union regulations in place," it says. "Vehicles with defeat devices are not approved for road usage in the EU and consumers with such devices installed in their cars face possible driving bans. In Germany, more than 200,000 vehicles are subject to the investigation, including larger vehicles, such as camper vans. "The Prosecutor Office of Turin, Italy, is also investigating the crime of fraud in the framework of a parallel proceeding linked to the same case."
  21. With the exception of the "Vanguard" range that are built in Japan by a Joint Venture. The rest of the Briggs & Sh#tten range are throw away rubbish.. !! ( IMHO) Honda & Kohler produce a far superior Product, (Again in My Opinion. As a footnote, 10-15 yrs ago they bought Aussie Icon Victa lawnmowers...Production of Victa's own Motor ceased & they are now Fitted with Chinese built B & S Engines Quality & reputation has suffered BIgtime..
  22. I see 2 several times a Day, Everyday..
  23. Ford i think.. http://www.tractordata.com/farm-tractors/006/6/2/6628-new-holland-8970-engine.html
  24. I thought Ringo Starr was Thomas..??
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