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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. i don't doubt for a Minute that It's a Nice Truck...Their Dealer network (or lack thereof) is their biggest impediment to success. In my Opinion..
  2. i can see where the Anthem Gets it's (Fugly)Hood Mirrors........
  3. I think that this average Fuel consumption Figure is; "fanciful" to say the least....
  4. PACCAR's refusal to fit the X12 will give Western Star (& to a lessor extent Freightliner) a huge sales Boost.. In my Opinion..
  5. Looks very similar to the LF series DAF's we get down here.(Not that they sell Many) https://www.daf.com.au/trucks/lf-series/
  6. Does PACCAR sell many of the badge engineered DAF's in North America..??
  7. I quite like the Look of It.. I'd like to see our Metroliner get an Aussie version of that Bonnet (Hood to you guys)... https://www.macktrucks.com.au/trucks/metro-liner/
  8. Every one I know of was repowered Very early in they Life.. Mostly with B & C series Cummins I have seen a few with 3208 Cats. i even know of One repowered with a Cummins V903...... Parts were very expensive, & support was poor once Ford sold the trucks to Freightliner & the AG/construction to CaseIH. Local concrete plant owner told me he could buy a B series crate motor for the same price as rebuilding the tractor engine.....
  9. The New Holland Tractor Engine Ford fitted to the LTS8000 down here in the early '90s, Wasn't much of a Success..
  10. Am I correct in assuming, That. It's a (FPT) Cursor13 built under licence? with a couple of Ford "tweaks"..... Or Do I have the Bull by the Tail..??
  11. It'd give Ford Otosan an European dealer network.........
  12. Thanks for That link..That's very informative... It is however not the website referenced in the name of this Thread....https://www.fordtrucksglobal.com/
  13. Pretty basic website.. In my opinion.. Some Spec sheets & option Lists would be Nice to see.............
  14. HHmm, Available up to 2100ft/lb.... Not here It isn't.... Capped at 1800ft/lb. which limits it to the 435hp Granite (Or at least that's according to the Mack Australia website) 18 months (or so) ago I got a quote an a New Granite Dealer pointblank refused to quote on e with a mack 'Box.. Death By a Thousand Cuts.........
  15. Probably no Loadsharing Suspension on the Front Swish.. ( I suppose I could look it up or Google It) Also i would've had the Block a good 18" to 2' further Forward..... But what would I know..
  16. Only Renault & Mack to Go.......
  17. What's the point...???? is there anything in UD that's of any value to Isuzu... (Maybe the Quon, Maybe...)
  18. ^^^^^^ We posted this nearly 18 months ago....!!!! & here we are still talking about the Same Thing...
  19. Robinvale Transport Group (RTG) & I shared a Depot facilities for a while in Sydney back in the early '90s. I have a Feeling that the Cordoma family took over the remnants of RTG, They ran It for a few Years & sold out to Lindsay Brothers.. But happy to be Corrected..
  20. It's not an option here at All..!! I suspect Western Star might offer it. But they've lost the Plot a bit, since PENSKE took over the Distribution rights Down here..
  21. I wonder how long It'll take TRATON (VW) to kill the Scania Culture????
  22. I can See X12 powered Starcars taking a fair few Sales from PACCAR due to their refusal to use the X12..........
  23. For the second Time, Too. I might Add...
  24. This Truck At one stage was in the Guinness Book Of records for the Longest roadtrain in the World..
  25. Just think though,........ Those Driver have probably sired Children Too........
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