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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. Does DAF (Paccar) have a Financial interest in TATRA??? Or do they just supply Cabs & Engines???
  2. I agree, They'll come to regret It...
  3. You can still buy a Titan down here.........https://www.macktrucks.com.au/trucks/titan/
  4. Yeah, We've noticed..........
  5. Re-release the HN80...........
  6. I'm under the Impression that the Proposed new Medium Duty for North America will/should be very similar to our "Metroliner".... But am happy to be corrected...... https://www.macktrucks.com.au/trucks/metro-liner/
  7. Care to elaborate on This..???? The Australian Market (& Factory capacity) is Minuscule compared to North America. The small number of excess trucks from Australia would hardly be Threat..!!! Or Am I missing Something???
  8. Google says................. I put the 6 injectors again and it still smokes a lot of white smoke and fails and does not accelerate well to see if someone happened the same
  9. The Red head will be proud of You..........
  10. I remember some "One post Wonder" being Butt hurt about "his" Picture.. But did anything become of It...????
  11. He'll remember to Open the tailgate in Future...........
  12. Forgiveness Is A Lot easier to get than Permission...............Just sayin'
  13. I thought You'd use a bit of Coke can Swish.. if you only need to pass an inspection..??? Run some "spatter" over the King Pin with a Stick Welder, hammer It back In, Pump it Full of Grease. & get It Inspected Immediately
  14. https://www.ownerdriver.com.au/industry-news/1910/return-of-the-mack
  15. ^^^^^^^ I agree with This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once upon a Time, News Organizations reported the Facts & nothing but the facts. You could then form your own opinion based on the facts,, .....................Today their far too busy promoting their Owners Point of View.
  16. This was Swishy At a Truck Show, A little while ago........
  17. This could be a very shrewd Move by CNH.. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/product-news/1909/nikola-gains-huge-cnh-investment-injection
  18. My 2 cents worth is.. IVECO should've beat VW to the punch in Buying a stake in Navistar...(would been a sentimental reunion) But Now I reckon IVECO will wither away to nothing over the next 10 or so years..If not sooner
  19. if they're Air wipers??? Wherever they Stop.....
  20. Looks Like It's only The Bonnet & Quarter Guards that need Shaving a bit, Swish...
  21. & still running Tube type Tyres Too.............
  22. They do that so they run Cooler, As those Rooftop units are, a combined Condensor/Evaporator. Therefore can remove the Condensor from in front of the Radiator.. Makes a big Difference particularly with the EGR POS engines... Very common Mod here, particularly with the Roadtrain & Heavy Haul Operators..
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