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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. Yeah Swish, .........For whom the bell Tolls.......
  2. That's how you check (& top up) the Oil & coolant...Saves tilting the Cab every morning..
  3. Great Pics Swish, No doubt about It.. Ian Lee does GOOD work..
  4. Exactly, Why give a Competitor a Leg up... IVECO, are the only Euro truck Builder without a Presence in N.A. But doubt if they had the appetite for such a venture.. It would take a different outlook from Washington, But the Chinese are Coming in the next 5-10 yrs... IMHO
  5. Why not just bring them in as C.B.U. instead of Kits...??? Or does Donald's tariff policy make the Kits cost effective..
  6. Just out of Curiosity, What sort of Market Share does Hino, & Isuzu have. In this segment in NA..??
  7. Those mack Boxes are nowhere as smooth/supple to change as a Roadranger.. Definitely an acquired skill... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There's only One Syncro in an 18 speed Roadranger. & that's in the range change...BISTBC
  8. Here in Australia, The UD Brand is basically DEAD & BURIED Since the Volvo Takeover.. The Poor old Utterly Dependable is a Mere shadow of It's Pre Volvo Days.. sad to see..
  9. Photochop..
  10. Paul, remember those Victa lawnmowers with the Inertia Start..??? You wound a big spring up, & pulled a Trigger.. i think Briggs & shitton may have had the same sort of thing too, at one stage...
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is the problem with Kids Today, In My Opinion..
  12. I Fixed It for you....
  13. That Explains Why there's no Stock Down here ,& their complete indifference to our Market..
  14. here's another much modified NR mack..
  15. I sincerely hope FoMoCo gives them the support they deserve... & that they pull It Off..
  16. Like this.. https://maxiparts.com.au/load-restraint/load-angle-placement-tool/
  17. Maybe something like this would help.. https://uesint.com/product/rotating-fold-ladder-chassis-mount/
  18. Excuse My ignorance, But What vehicles were fitted with these Benz engines...???
  19. There's Guy here in Australia who makes & sell an aftermarket Dash upgrade that solves the dash issues ..
  20. ^^^^^ & that was what It was all about...
  21. I reckon If Ford have had not sold to Freightliner. the HN80 would've evolved Ok. When the L series was released here in the '70s they quickly earnt the nickname "looselybilts" But over time Ford made lots of Subtle Evolutionary Changes, that turned the L series into a very durable reliable Truck. I'm confident The same would've held for the HN80. I may be a little biased as I've done a lot of work & made a bit of Money out Ford Trucks over the last 30yrs....
  22. Yep, one of the all time WORST decisions ever.. IMHO
  23. Have you tried It with the Powerdivider engaged??
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