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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. We're getting By.. There was plenty of 100 plus degree days when i was a Kid & no Aircon either & we survived. Plus the Media have latched on to it (Big time), as It supports their Global Warming agenda..... Unlike your guys current Cold Weather....
  2. Those days Don't seem to exist anymore....
  3. I'll second the bit about Triangle Tyres.. I've basically standardised on Triangles Tyres & have on many occasions had Triangles cases that have been recapped (Bandag) 3 times.
  4. Looks like they raided the Benz parts bins for those Dash & control stalks Bits & pieces.. I'm pleasantly surprised at the X12 being standard fitment. would've put money on the 11litre Benz OM470 being rebranded a DD11 & fitted.. Hope We get it down here. A 450-500Hp X12 version with that 40'" sleeper would sell well in my opinion..
  5. Yeah, Timmy. That thought had occurred to Me As well..!
  6. Most Euro trucks of that era had that weird Double H gear pattern. Never had anything to do with a Midliner, So NFI if they also had It..
  7. is your Power divider stuck in the engaged position??
  8. I'm more intrigued by that Folding front wall in the Top deck of the Front Crate..!! Can't for the life of Me See the reasoning for It... one thing though. that French poodle would be huffing & puffing up a Sweat when It's got 2 Decks of Cattle in It..
  9. Looks like a Kiwi,Mack Midliner with a "club of 4 Cab" to Me.....BISTBC
  10. Hayseed


    No fear of Snow here, Swish... taken about 4.30pm yesterday.....
  11. I reckon a Scania V8 powered IH 9900i would sell well down here in Road train & heavy haulage work... Wishful thinking I know........
  12. I agree,, They've got more than TWICE the Horse power & Torque of the First Semi trailer I owned & operated........
  13. Remote Diff & gearbox breathers are almost Standard fare in My part of the World.. Whenever I buy a S/H truck if It doesn't have 'em?? It very soon does.. i got a Quote on a New Mack back in the Winter Time, & the salesman & I ticked the Box for the remote breather package, can't remember how much extra I twas though...
  14. Pure W.A.G. is that the "dog" or some other "wildlife" walked over the Top of everything on the rack & shorted a Battery out causing a Spark & a chain reaction.. maybe???
  15. 296 million for 683 Trucks is $433,382.14 Each... Kevin, would that figure be the up front cost of each truck?? Or does It include Parts support/ect for the life of the Contract??
  16. Paul, I have a sneaking suspicion that "Newto" used to be the Australian Distributor for tecbrake..... Might be worth chasing up??
  17. Particularly Now when they're all Busy. I was quoted 16-18 weeks wait on a fairly standard Mack back in Sept. Start ticking Too many option Boxs or asking for something a bit "odd" They get a bit shirty with you for slowing the line down too much. unless of course if you want a batch of 'em....??
  18. Paul, pretty sure these guys sell a Copy of the Jake.. http://pacbrakeoem.com/products/brakes/compression-release-engine-brakes/ Cummins used to sell a "C" brake which was also a Knockoff of the real thing!!
  19. Like Kevin said, only grossing a Max of 36,287Kg. Also bear in mind It's Direct drive transmission. if an overdrive was used(.73) a 3.66 rear would give the same overall gearing in Top.. The main reason those quick Diffs aren't used here is that "Startability" is compromised too Much At our weights.
  20. Apples Don't fall far from the Tree in your family, Hobert62..
  21. Looks a bit Too neatly Parked for a Swift truck...........
  22. I had a good laugh at this Guys Surname... Very ironic...
  23. We had them here Too.. Here's one i had way back when.
  24. Was pretty common here to Tack Weld a bit of 1/4 inch rod around the outside of a spacer. if you needed one a bit wider that what you had..
  25. How many Revs are you doing at 60mph? is your Tranny direct or OD?
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