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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. Pretty sure this is Ovlov suspension Swish.. They do a Bit more that That Mate. Like most clever Ideas it's; very simple what they do.. (They even have a Worldwide patent on It) They connect the Air bags together via Large Air lines & install a valve that isolates the Air bags once the Height control Valve is Level. Then (for instances) if you're reversing up a kerb when the rear Axle starts to rise air is transferred to the Front Air bags making It a true load sharing Deal Similar to a Walking Beam. As apposed to normally when the rear axle starts to rise Triggering the height control valve to Dump Air & Whilst your waiting for this reaction to happen your front axle loses traction because It's swinging in the Breeze being Lifted by the rear axle..
  2. I'll second this Lot Swish.. i have HAS460 under My (as you call it) 2 Story Renault & suffer from the same problems. Giving serious consideration to letting these Guys have a Play with It.. http://www.thehairetruckandbusrepairs.com.au/hairebag-suspension https://powertorque.com.au/the-haire-haire-bag-suspension/
  3. No 15 Litre Motor, Though you do see quite a few Tridents on 34 Pallet B Double Work.. Mack also do a Superliner with 30" Bunk that's 34 pallet capable.
  4. At least the Mack has a bigger rear window then either a Louisville or KW of that Era.... 28-30 inch Sleepers were pretty standard fare here in the 60's right up until the early 80's.. Even today 36" are a very Common sight on our Highways....
  5. All Freightliner Sales are in the Doldrums.. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/product-news/1810/tic-notes-softening-sentiment-in-commercial-vehicle-segments
  6. Perzackly.... Market dynamics = 'Cause We can...
  7. Just wait 12-18 Months 'til Mack Australia brings out their version of Both Trident & Superliner with the Anthem based High Roof Sleeper Cab...
  8. He couldn't wait THAT Long......
  9. https://iepieleaks.nl/bonneted-european-euro-6-trucks/
  10. This Guy here in Australia has them.. http://www.tyldenheritage.com.au/uploads/9/3/0/6/9306704/general_catalogue_august_2018.pdf Section 6i page 3 part Number1248
  11. Post away, My Friend... I'll lend you a Flack jacket if you like....
  12. I think They're nice pears Swishy..
  13. I have No dog in this Fight whatsoever.. But ^^^^^^^^^^^^ this says It All in my opinion..
  14. Well they won't be selling it here......The Cabs too Wide ....
  15. Is there any more info available on this Engine?? Was It a "clean sheet of Paper" design ???? Does it use EGR,SCR or Both?? Google hasn't being very forthcoming !! either that or my research skills are lacking..
  16. The PACCAR MX range of engines are of Dutch heritage.. I'm fairly certain getting access to their own Engine platform was the main reason PACCAR bought DAF...
  17. Figure out what you think will be a fair amount.. then DOUBLE it... That'll cover All the "Oh Sh....t" Problems of "the more you pull apart the more you find"... Ask me how i know This...
  18. He & "Office Furniture man" can compare notes..
  19. I can see an Australian design influence in that Truck.. Current T409SAR Current T610SAR
  20. How long before you guys think you will start seeing COE (either Euro or Asian) Trucks doing (for example) Port/container work or Metropolitan Distribution in say the North east..?? Or do your "Bridge" Laws render the suggestion Impraticable/illegal ??
  21. Aren't the 2 six cylinder Engines & 12 speed AMT used in the latest Mercedes Actros the same as the 2 Detroit Engines & the DT12 transmission..??? or do I have the Bull by the tail...?
  22. They're trying that Shyte on Down here Too.. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-28/peta-calls-for-chicken-memorial-lismore/9200230 https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/animal-rights-activists-want-memorial-at-site-of-toowoomba-cattle-truck-rollover/news-story/0844940d3053c054abce74ec7000b8e4
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