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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. I'm sure it's a "Dumb" Question,!!! But, why do the Trailer axles have Different Spreads?? A big, No No.. here..
  2. Thanks mate, I knew those "Pocket Road trains" were Popular with the Grain & bulk Guys.. Didn't know about the Flat top Version..
  3. Timmy, How long are those Trailers ??
  4. I know.. That was the point of My Comment..
  5. i don't think So, But Happy to be corrected.. My understanding is : they spray It to ' 1) Stop any late growing Weeds from setting viable Seed. 2) dessicating to Even the ripening up, As It's only done in Western Australia I'm not up to speed on this....
  6. I's like to see International sell Scania V8 powered version of these.I reckon they'd sell HEAPS of 'em
  7. So the Glyphosate resistant Ryegrass (a weed) can't set a Viable seed.. https://grdc.com.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0027/126477/grdc_fs_pre-harvest-herbicide-pdf.pdf.pdf
  8. This is What of one of Australia's biggest grain Storage & handling (Elevator) Companies.Has done in the Wake of Monsanto Court case. https://www.theland.com.au/story/5598720/farmer-uproar-over-cbh-decision/
  9. I would've Said...... The teacher in Charge of them......
  10. What Trucks in North America are the X12 available In??? We're yet to have them Available OEM...!!
  11. Pretty sure (But happy to be corrected) that all the Hoods are made in here in Australia, So No real Idea on how interchangeble the Trim IS.
  12. Stainless.
  13. It Took 5 years to get to Court in the First place..Given the inevitable Appeal. it will be years & years before Mr Patterson Sees any $$$$. If You're gunna employ the Dregs of Society? You'll have expect these type things to happen..
  14. I'm continually amazed at the Incredibly poor opinion you North American Guys have of the venerable 903.. Here in Australia they had (& still have) a reputation for being very durable & reliable motors (albeit a bit thirsty) that made a lot of people a lot of money. 903 powered IH ACCO's & LNT9000's were basically the Truck of choice for Owner Drivers & small Fleets throughout the 70's & 80's. With Quite few still seen on our Highways right up until the early 90's. Every Grain harvest/Cotton picking season they can be still seen earning their Keep.. What were the 903 Issues in North american market??
  15. Looking Good .....Real Good... No Too sure if It's being asked before, But.. Is the Toolbox going to be painted/powder coated Red/Black ?? or left as is??
  16. I Too don't understand why It's not offered in NA. It's standard here across the entire range. https://www.ford.com.au/content/dam/Ford/website-assets/ap/au/nameplate/transit/brochure/BHFPM0515_TransitCV_eBro_July2018.pdf?gmbxtid=ford_transit_first-kba-001-download_transit_commercial_vehicles_brochure_1&intcmp=bb-fau-vhp-ford transit-fau--return
  17. The 3 Passenger front seat has been available here forever (& a day). The Dual cab is popular here as It's one the Few 7 seat Light trucks avaialble. Without checking I think It's standard & the 2 seat front row is a "delete" Option. But happy to be corrected.
  18. There's not many left. They've been selling them Off over the last (at least) 4 years. https://www.australianfrontlinemachinery.com.au/ Here's the latest upcoming Auction. http://www.graysonline.com/sale/5035168/transport-trucks-and-trailers/unreserved-ex-military-land-rovers-mack-trucks-unimogs-trailers-fuel-truck?spr=true
  19. You can get Spider (Dayton) Rims to suit 11R 22.5 or 295/80 22.5's with the same offset as Super single Rims..
  20. Keep an eye on your Tacho. How many revs you lose on upshifts This will be how Many revs you'll have to "Blip" on the down shifts... Mack Boxs you will need to use the Clutch. Roadrangers not so Much(Except for Compound Shifts).. Just My 2 cents worth.
  21. Thanks, Mate. We Don't have that Problem down here..
  22. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wot He said..
  23. Why did they require the Airhorn to be sideways??
  24. They should Just get the HN80/Sterling Cab back off Daimler, I reckon.. But the Tooling would 've been melted down into Greatwall's or Hyundia's by now..
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