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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. I know It's a loooong way from your House,😃 But Ian Lee lists a couple in His B model Parts Catalogue.. http://www.tyldenheritage.com.au/
  2. That Rattle or Squeak would drive Me Nuts...
  3. True story, Paul.. I write right handed but do everything else Left handed. The Teacher used hit you on the Back of the Fingers of my left hand with a Ruler, Until My hand was that sore you had to write Right handed.. On a side Note. I'm led to believe that Womens Clothes have the Buttons the Opposite side to Mens, So when you're getting a bit Frisky yuo can unbutton each other without getting in a tangle..
  4. I think , They're only legally obliged to provide Spare part support for 10 yrs....
  5. Here in Australia "vomack" have their own used Parts division.. https://www.vmrtruckparts.com.au/
  6. We Ausssies Haven't either... The next one I see, will be the First..
  7. You still see a fair few down here,..
  8. That's how It works here in Australia.. It's surprising What Parts Daimler can still supply !! Prices can be a bit random though. can vary from "reasonable" to "bend over & grab your ankles" !! Have to admit to having a soft spot for The Louisville I've owned 6 over the last 30yrs & in fact still have 2, with one still working fora living. Ford squandered a massive opportunity with their Handling of the HN80 project..
  9. Fords Decision to sell their heavy Truck division for a mere fraction of the HN80's development cost, would rank as one Fords Dumbest decisons.. In my opinion..
  10. Iveco do 2 different width "Stralis" Cabs.. The Australian Designed & built Powerstar uses the narrow version.. And there's a large dealer Group in Europe that Convert Stralis's (with the Aussie Hood)to what they call a "Strator" & they Use the Wide cab..
  11. i wonder what Western Star think of them using the "Constellation" Model designation???
  12. Sounds Like you had a good Soul Mate..
  13. As long as your Wife Doesn't sell them for the Price you told her you Paid for them...
  14. Nice Little Retirement Fund for You....
  15. They're working on It Paul... https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/truck-reviews/1806/mack-anthem-bulldog-barking
  16. It all seems to go back to when the Loader Backed into you.... I'd be getting some string lines out & making sure the Chassis is Square & parallel ... If It was My truck (which It isn't) I'd be taking It to the nearest Ritchie Bros yard, Cleaning My gear out of It & let some else deal with It. The down Time & repairs will (or should I say IS keeping) keep you poor trying to Figure It Out...
  17. What are their reasons/justification for this...??? And twisting & squeezing, I reckon... I can see where they're coming from if truck was under Warranty. But on an 8-9 Yr old Truck ??? This is straight out Gouging In My Opinion..
  18. Numbnuts awards are also earnt by car Drivers Too...........
  19. They're claiming that they were assembling Diamond Reos under licence back in the '80s..... https://www.diamondreotrucks.com.au/our-diamond-reo-history/ Curious to know how many they actually Did...
  20. https://www.diamondreotrucks.com.au/
  21. Pretty simple, isn't It???
  22. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is probably the saddest thing about these types of Incidents in this Day & Age.. There's nowhere near the cameraderie there once was out on the Road.These days It's all Me ME Me..
  23. You can get a Titan here with Planetary Hub reduction rears as a factory fit.. http://img06.en25.com/Web/VolvoAUS/{666ac387-2b28-4fb9-b351-0d5529648f9d}_titan_brochure.pdf
  24. All the FLB's sold down here were compliance plated for a minimum of 70,000 Kgs (154,000 lbs) Gross Combination Mass (GCM) quite a few were 90Tonne GCM..
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