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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. Here's one with the full Volvo Drivetrain & a Gold Dog.. https://www.trucksales.com.au/buy/new/OAG-AD-15394295/2017-mack-granite/?cr=6&category=trucks&psq=((((((SiloType%3D[Dealer New]|SiloType%3D[Dealer Near New])%26Service%3D[Trucksales])%26(SaleStatus%3D[For Sale]|SaleStatus%3D[For Auction]))%26Service!%3D[Showroom])%26(Category%3D[Trucks]%26SubCategory%3D[Prime Mover]))%26Make%3D[Mack])&pso=0&pss=Price
  2. The 10x4s We get down here are called "Metroliner" & are Cummins ISLe5 powered// http://img06.en25.com/Web/VolvoAUS/{a5dc5c98-61a5-4997-b9a6-a011e9448066}_metroliner_vocational.pdf Twin Steer Granite's just Granite "vocational" .. http://img06.en25.com/Web/VolvoAUS/{346210fd-1874-41d2-93ad-30a188a20102}_granite_vocational.pdf
  3. Google doesn't like that Number....
  4. Says it All I reckon..
  5. Thee guys do Great work, but you need a decent paygrade to afford them.....LOL https://pearlcraft.com.au/
  6. There was NO happy ending Either...
  7. Do South Africa still get them ??? I was under the Impression they stopped getting them a few years ago.. Not trying to start an argument.. Just curious.. & more than happy to be corrected..
  8. Daimler are Promoting the hell out of the latest Benz Actros, & have been for the last 12 months or so.. They have the latest generation DD engines that are Non EGR (ADblue only) as apposed to the EGR version that freightliner are still fitting, My local Dealer tells Me that the Actros's are using less fuel & having less warranty issues that the Freightliners. Also currency exchange rates favour the Euro Trucks at the moment. & they're offering on the Actros FREE; 5 yr extended warranty 5yrs scheduled services Guaranteed Buyback value, All at 1.9%
  9. It's a Pity the Freightliner Build Quality (or lack thereof) let down what was otherwise a Damn fine Truck.. anyway, It's moot point now, As there will be no more argosy from early 2020. https://powertorque.com.au/freightliners-argosy-comes-to-the-end-of-the-road-transport-news/
  10. Kevin, is the Cab a Ford Design? or did they build one under licence?? Reason I ask, is It looks very Volvo-ish. however that may change once all the camo is stripped Off..!!
  11. Just wait 'til all those autonomous trucks start showing us how It's done//
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Plus 1 to what he said..
  13. You forgot, the "Bourbon & Beefsteak".. Or hadn't It opened when you were on R&R...???
  14. The Grille is no where near as overdone (My opinion) as the Grille in the LDV T60 That was released here 4-5 Months ago..
  15. it has the ISF 2.8.... https://fotonmotor.com.au/
  16. Thanks, I knew you'd know.. As an aside.15 months ago i bought a Cummins powered Foton Ute (Pickup). & so far I'm more than happy with It..
  17. Cummins already has a Substantial Joint venture in China With Foton.. Kevin, is there any current connection between JAC (just a copy) & Foton ??
  18. I don't doubt that for a Moment..
  19. The Cargo is probably a decent Truck.. It's just a shame they hit It so hard with the "ugly Stick"
  20. i wonder what Chinese or Asian truck they've rebadged here.. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/industry-news/1805/daysworth-resurrects-diamond-reo-brand
  21. It's a shame that Volvo don't give Mack in North America the same Autonomy & R & D capabilities as they've given Mack Trucks here in Australia...
  22. Considering that Parts are becoming more & more unobtainable by the Day.. I'd leave It alone & enjoy It for What it is.. A Classic Old truck.. Just MY 2 cents worth...
  23. Personally I Can't see what they've gained (or why they'd bother) Doing that,, It never worried Freightliner, & they sold heaps of these Down here!!
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