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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. A six foot high Fence.. If they can't see it? They can't complain about It!
  2. I'm Gunna air My Ignorance here.... & ask a "dumb" question.....But. Have they swapped the Doors from Side to side on that Midliner cab.. We only ever got the COE version..
  3. Probably a "dumb" question....BUT why does the Fuel tank have a Tapered end..???? EMNTK..
  4. Here in Australia, I've never seen a PTO without a drainplug...
  5. Yup, I reckon they raided the Bus Parts Bins during the R&D phase..
  6. Pretty sure It's NOT your imagination.... Anyway happy Easter..
  7. Great Minds Much think alike..... As That's the first thought that popped into My head.. Just Darwin's theory At Work........
  8. I'll be a little bit Biased... & say that these Aussie designed Redarc units take some beating.. & i have had a "Tekonsha" unit Too. https://www.redarc.com.au/trailer-brakes
  9. Isn't that Blue gadget one of Jon Kelly's (HHA) old Toys???
  10. It can be done.. https://www.trucksales.com.au/buy/used/OAG-AD-15563093/2011-mack-superliner-550/?cr=2&category=trucks&psq=((((Service%3D[Trucksales]%26(SaleStatus%3D[For Sale]|SaleStatus%3D[For Auction]))%26Service!%3D[Showroom])%26((((SiloType%3D[Dealer Used]|SiloType%3D[Dealer New])|SiloType%3D[Private Used])|SiloType%3D[Dealer Near New])|SiloType%3D[For Auction]))%26(Category%3D[Trucks]%26SubCategory%3D[Prime Mover]))&pso=0&pss=Premium
  11. There was an Identical Spec Truck to that. Imported Into Australia prior to Xmas, By an Avid International Collector..
  12. Have you Paid them ??
  13. Sounds like whoever repaired the Front end when It got wacked..very kindly "lent" you another ECM as well..
  14. There was quite a few Titans & Superliners Built here in Australia at the turn of this Century with Cummins Signatures in 'em. Plus they're still building them with the Volvo D16.. ooops I mean MP10.. Shouldn't be Too hard (I would've thought) to tap into some Aussie Mack Knowhow to build them..
  15. If you've got a Forklift? Wind the windows Down put your extension Tynes on the Forks then a couple of Phone Books (remember them LOL) sitting on the Tynes.. Tynes through the Windows & lift..
  16. I'll take that as a NO.
  17. Just out of Curiousity , Does Mack have this Program In North America?? https://www.macktrucks.com.au/parts-and-services/ultimate-uptime/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Programatic&utm_campaign=Mack&utm_content=UpTimeRetargeting&utm_term=SLA
  18. Alright then, Turns Out It's like Granpa's Axe. Started life as a 1974 R700. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1372941412754123/permalink/1564151730299756/
  19. I've never seen a Superliner Bonnet (hood) like this before.Has anyone esle??
  20. 41chevy, this lot may interest you.. https://www.hcvc.com.au/forum/truck_Chat/2943-old-race-trucks?limitstart=0 https://www.hcvc.com.au/forum/truck_Chat/12595-detroit-devil?limitstart=0 http://www.gregwapling.com/hotrod/land-speed-racing-australia/land-speed-racing-australia-waltzing-matilda.html https://www.bigrigs.com.au/news/the-man-behind-the-mean-machine-bill-gordon/3012230/
  21. That makes Two of us..
  22. I'm well aware of the advantages (& agree with them All) of 24 Volt Systems. I'm also old enough to remember the Problematic Series Parallel Switchs that every Kenworth & Atkinson Truck had back in the 70's & 80's That mostly once the Truck was out of warranty were tossed in the Bin &had a 12 volt starter installed.. I agree with the above Statement. Also 24 volt systems only have half the Amperage of 12 Volt systems. With far less drain on Batteries/Bulbs ect. They All last longer. Plus the universal Acceptance of Multivolt LED Trailer Light systems have rendered Void the biggest bugbear of having Mixed voltage Fleets. No I don't. Sorry. Here in Australia Mack were exclusively Air Start until the early 90's & the release of the Ch & CL range of trucks. When Air start was an Option. However I'm fairly sure (But happy to be corrected) that the E9 powered CLR's were Air start..
  23. A quick search on the TTR Forum seems to concur with Dirtymilkman's assessment of the MX.. Kenworth here in Australia use the European Built MX. I got quoted on a MX powered KW recently & it has got 24 Volt Starting & Chassis Electrics With 12 Volt Cabin Electrics which seems a convoluted way of Doing Things to Me...
  24. I see where 43% of 2017 sales were DAF powered. (Or I should say Paccar MX13 powered).. What's the general consensus on the MX engines?? Good Bad or Indifferent?? There's very few being sold down here, But You never hear any mention of them.So Can't be Too bad.. As Bad news travels faster than Good News..
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