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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. That's reasonably common here, amongst the Stationary Engine Crowd.....
  2. This was taken a Friend of a friend last Week. Ground temp of 67 Degrees Celsius.. (152 Degrees Fahrenheit)
  3. I can't see that Radiator keeping the Dog Cool for Too long either ... BISTBC.
  4. Hi Slug, Thank you for letting Me express My Opinion.. "Driptroit" is a Slang term Or nickname given to those Old 2 stroke GMs. As they were notorious for leaking (Or Dripping) Oil everywhere. Just because It hasn't been doing anything, Doesn't mean that things DON'T deteriorate.. It's being touched on By others here. But before starting the GM ensure that the Emergency Stop Flap in the Air intake is set properly & the cable into the dash is set & working . I'd also remove both rocker covers & ensure that ALL the Injectors & the 2 Racks Are free & not Stuck.. Otherwise you'll have a runaway engine that will grenade itself before you even Start.. 12 year old Tyres put back to Work will more than likely be flying to Bits the first time they get Warm. Every Oil seal will be Dry & brittle .. Ditto for all the rubber Brake lines Air valves ect. There will be fair chance there's a mouse nest (or 3) under dash in amongst the wiring. You will most likely (In my Opinion) need to budget on within the first 12 months, doing 12 years worth of Maintainence to the Air system & wiring. I hope for your sake I'm Wrong. 41chev has covered this. But the point I was trying to Make is that Marmon Specific Parts will be far harder to source than a more common Brands.. Sorry to come across So cynical. It's just that after nearly 35 yrs I've seen countless examples of ; Not just in transport either.. But almost without exception, they will end in Tears.. Odds are; (From My observations) Within 12-18 months you & your Friend will hate each others Guts, & no longer talk to each other.You'll have a Large tax write you don't really need. Plus you'll have an asset that Owes you far more than It's market value.. Sorry to coma across so Cynical. But gaining Experience in the Transport Industry is Hard Work & expensive.. Good luck & I sincerely hope your venture is one of the few Exceptions to My observations..
  5. 1) A 43 yr old Driptroit that's been sitting for 12 yrs.... 2) Marmon Stopped truck production over 20 yrs ago. So quite few parts will made from "Unobtainium" 3) Doing Business with a (for now) Close Friend... What could possibly go wrong..........
  6. Actually, you have Helped Me. With giving your real world hands on, opinion of your twin Y in What appears to be similar type of Operating Conditions..
  7. I agree..They're only only available here in Australia with Kenworth though. The other 2 Truck manufacturers (Mack & Iveco) Fit Hendrickson Primaxx suspension for those Applications..
  8. Not here in Australia.. The twin Y is only available on the Granite, & only with the S40 Axles & In a single trailer (50,000kg) Rating.. http://img06.en25.com/Web/VolvoAUS/{23b2ee29-64e1-48d0-8b50-d52a1ffefcc2}_granite_distribution.pdf https://www.macktrucks.com.au/-/media/files-au/brochures/axlessuspensionbrochure122015.pdf?as=1&la=en
  9. GoldDog, Whats your opinion of the Twin Y Suspension?? I've been pricing up a new truck lately, & Mack have been refusing to Quote Me a twin Y.. Plus It's only available here with a 50,000kg (110,000lbs) Rating...
  10. That's nowhere near as FUGLY as the Pre-production pics floating about the Internet.. Is the centre of the Bumper just painted Black? or does the Grill go all the way down??
  11. I reckon that TATA (The Indian Owners of Jaguar) will sell heaps more than 25 of 'em.
  12. Exactly..It's surprising how many people don't "get It" though..
  13. Dirtymilkman, you have good point about the Torque too.. The old truck i was talking about in My post only had 800(odd) Ft/lb of Torque. Today I've got 1850 ft/lb of torque.. doing basically the same Work..
  14. I'm not a big fan of them Either... Engine Hours is afar more accurate indicator in my opinion.. The other thing that annoys Me is the complete lack of Fuel Burn/consumption Graphs on Todays Engine Spec Sheets. Once upon a Time every Spec sheet had the graph at the Bottom below the Hp & Tourque Charts.. That We are.. 30 yrs ago My First Truck had 6Hp /Tonne.. Today It's damn near double that....
  15. Thanks Kevin. I must've misunderstood the Article. As I thought they were referring to Engines in the 11 Litre Class, with those claims..
  16. Anyone know which Two engines they're referring to here??
  17. Speaking as someone who's put a few years in Driving a 285 Coolpower & a 5 Speed at 90 odd Thousand Pounds. My advice is To just "relax & let It happen" & happen it will (you're already proving that).You just can't have as many Coffee & piss stops as everyone else But I bet your only a few Minutes (If any) behind every one else.. As being mentioned getting a gearbox with more gears will only give you more gears to Change,& hardly be worth the Time,effort, or Money (In my opinion). Just rum It as is for a while then Upgrade to a later model truck down the. track.. Just My 2 cents worth..
  18. Fairly certain The diesel One is Yanmar powered. & (I think) they use Kohler in some of the Petrol Ones.. I have a John Deere Mower & It's Briggs & Shitten Powered..
  19. There were 2 versions of these from memory. Early ones came in as Glider Kits, (Cab Chassis & front Axle) & were fitted with Aussie spec running gear. These had quite a few issues!!! The Later ones they Imported & fitted a Fully Groomed Cab to the Ch chassis.. These were a Far better Truck from all reports.
  20. Didn't CaseIH & Cummins have Joint venture Too, with the 5.9??
  21. There's mention of the Retarder here in the 1957-58 years notes.. Appears to be an Allison development.. https://www.gmheritagecenter.com/docs/gm-heritage-archive/historical-brochures/GMC/100_YR_GMC_HISTORY_MAR09.pdf
  22. I've also seen a couple of W Model Kenworths that where Factory fitted with Rolls Royce Engines..
  23. According to the first link Kevin put up, It's an early 6 speed Allison... The Hydraulic retarder has Me intrigued, As the Only ones I've ever heard (& seen) have been European..
  24. They mention that one of the Semis had a "Powermatic" transmission, Would that've been a Beefed up automotive trans? or was Allison involved?? there was also mention of a "Hydraulic Retarder" Anyone know more about that?? I Guess i could google it.. But would rather hear from someone with some Knowledge on the Subject..
  25. Not trying to start an argument.. But, Provided, that the Original rails from the Cab Forward are still sound, & "good engineering" Practice is used in replacing the rails from the cab Rearward... What's wrong with It??? Just asking...as i'm curious..
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