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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. The Op said & I quote.. So I'm guessing the Shops that gave him Quotes were just going to fold up & replace the Straight rails behind the Cab & Leave the original fiddly tapered/Flared Front section alone.. But more than happy to be Corrected...
  2. Just to play "Devils advocate" ... What condition is the rest of the truck IN?? In particular how much (if any) rust is in the Cab??
  3. Well Timmy. That's my new thing learnt for Today...
  4. They've been repowered Timmy??
  5. The V8 version is a far better looking Truck than the 6 pack version.. In my opinion..
  6. The series 60 was an option here back in the '90s in the CH "Select" Model..
  7. http://www.couriermail.com.au/business/indulgent-megatruckers-star-heavy-haulage-australia-poorly-costed-work-administrators-ferrier-hodgson/news-story/780480a4d095747cc66eca287b380dfc http://www.couriermail.com.au/business/heavy-haulage-australias-last-accounts-flagged-concern-truck-operation-went-bust-in-june-2015/news-story/1882402104304f285f39700e9466b6c8
  8. Sorry Swish.. I think Superdog is on the Money.with T ride. Mack here have what they call Mack inverted leaf (MIL) suspension that looks a lot like that as well..
  9. Swish, This was taken at Grenfells Place last Week...
  10. I too find It bizarre that you guys don't get; Diesel Engines, Manual transmissions, or the Single Cab versions.. here, We no longer get the Petrol motor. But the little single Cabs make up a sizable portion of Sales.. https://www.motoring.com.au/ford-ranger-2018-review-110342/
  11. Have you got a price off these Guys.. curious to know the price Difference.. http://herd.com/
  12. I Thought I told you to be "VERY" quite.... Seeing as you asked nicely... Well the sign says It's a MACK...
  13. Not trying to Be Rude Mate, But the few Mack triple countershaft gearboxs I've stirred over the years haven't been any noisier than any other Truck Transmission I've owned (or Driven) So the above statement has me a Little perplexed. Just saying..
  14. L indicates box has an Extra LOW gear in It, & R is for an extra Low reverse. The LR version is the one I'm interested in.. N.F.I. What either the "M" or "E" signify
  15. The Mack 10 & 18 Speed is listed here as an option on the Granite Only. i got a Quote on a granite a couple of Months ago & asked about the Mack Transmission. Salesman looked at me as If I had 2 heads (Be quite Swishy very Quite) he told me that 90-95% of the Macks they sell have the "M drive" The rest were Road ranger & he'd Never Sold a Mack transmission in the 6 yrs He'd been selling Vomacks..
  16. Timmy, they've Knocked both the "Wet t shirt' comp & "Miss Summernats" on the Head due to Pressure from the PC Crowd........... But as they Say, you can take the Boy out of the Counry, But you can't take the Country out of the Boy.. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/summernats-new-family-friendly-image-killing-adult-business-in-canberra-20180103-h0d1pj.html http://www.thecourier.com.au/story/5153800/the-mugs-guide-summernats-explained-for-the-uninitiated/
  17. Billy, I've seen that exact same thing a few Times,Even had it happen to one of My Trucks...
  18. I would've thought It'd pull the Truck over before twisting that Much...
  19. I Can't comprehend how Much Flex the Chassis has.. Either that or something's let go/Broken..
  20. Looks to Me that they're in bed with Mercedes Benz..?? .if that Bottom Pic is anything to Go by..
  21. They should sell well i think.. Isuzu has been the Biggest selling Truck Brand here in Australia for 28 consecutive years. https://www.trucksales.com.au/editorial/details/isuzu-still-on-top-58478/ No mean Feat, in anyones Book..
  22. I believe So, 41chevy... http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/125200/sad-news?PageIndex=4
  23. fjh, Ask here http://rawze.com/forums/index.php He has a reputation for been the "go to" guy for all things ISX related. he also has a Youtube Channel.
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