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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. https://www.autopaper.com/1981-mack-truck-owners-manual-mid-liner-ms200-care-operation-maintenance.php
  2. Paul, i don't need to read the rule book either... After doing this for a living for almost 30yrs I happen to have a reasonable grasp on what I can & can't legally do.. Nor did I have a Go at You. I just had an off the cuff conversation with Swishy.. nothing more, nothing Less.. Mate, I've done far Too many "Moonlight express" & "Saturday Night Specials" over the years to think of Myself as the "Fun Police"....!! Over & Out....... & Good luck with the Move..
  3. Paul,Read this, https://www.nhvr.gov.au/files/c2016g00970-multi-state-class-1-load-carrying-vehicles-dimension-exemption-notice-2016-no1.pdf
  4. Don't know about down in Mexico where you are.. but Here in N.S.W. you can't run Oversize loads on either B Doubles Or Road Trains.. As for the BOOFA CRATS..
  5. That's right. The Blanket Speed limit was 90kmh. You could only do a 100 on designated Roads If you, had a Speed limiter & displayed those signs.. Rumour has it that there were plenty of non speed limited Trucks fitted with those Signs
  6. Swishy, What's the Go with the Turntable mounted backwards on the Stacked trailer??? EMNTK...
  7. The Sheep wouldn't understand Swish..
  8. All heavy trucks here in Australia have been Speed Limited to 100KMh since 1990. tampering with the Speed limiter WILL result in fines of SEVERAL thousand Dollars & loss of Licence & Truck rego been cancelled.
  9. Swish, i didn't think Tasmania was in your Melways?? or Did uncle Ken pay Big..LOL
  10. I'm with you, on This Subject carlotpilot.
  11. https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/truck-reviews/1711/cummins-x12-engine-full-review-and-video
  12. That post is 9 Years Old, So It is anybodies guess if It Got Restored or Not??
  13. Sorry Mate, Must be getting "Oldtimers" disease
  14. I'm pretty sure that the early "Long Cabs" here also had that Cutout.. Swishy should Know. I think he has one of each in his Shed/Yard..
  15. RUST.... They originally were built for a Sand mining/Quarrying Company. I think some also went to a Salt Mine..
  16. Here in Australia ,We also had a Full Fibreglass Cab as An option in the early 70's. pretty sure the '74 Oil Crisis made the resin Too expensive for the cab to be affordable. I think there was only 35-50 Made.. BISTBC
  17. Here in Australia, there is quite point of differentiation between the 2. The most obvious one that Volvo only sell COE's & Mack only sell Conventionals. Mack also seem to have a pretty strong independant team of Executives intent on keeping Mack true to it's roots..But for how long? I'm not too sure. i see They're now fitting the Volvo 8 bag suspension (& Volvos 500000lbs Diffs) to Macks. It's UD I feel sorry for,I reckon It'll be killed off before Mack will be....
  18. Shouldn't have one at All, In My opinion... Most likely a 2 pedal automated "thingo" judging by the way the Steering wheel attendant was hitting the Dock, & said SWA was unaware of the creep or inching function..(also unaware of heaps of other things Too)
  19. I'd leave the "French Poodle" where It is...
  20. I personally think you should be under there EVERY Week. Even if you only give everything 1 pump of the Grease Gun. it's all the other little things you can pick up on, & correct there & then, Whether It's just putting an Extra Zip tie somewhere or Nipping up a Loose fitting/Nut or Bolt,can avert bigger problems down the track. A stitch in Time saves Nine Just My 2 cents worth..
  21. Careful what you guys wish for... I've seen what Swishy's taste in Women Is...LOL
  22. That's alright, You Guys can't pronounce Tomato Properly either........
  23. It's still listed as an Option, here http://www.kenworth.com.au/ across the entire Model range & is very popular with Livestock & Heavy haulage Operators....
  24. Sorry for the Hijack, But What's your opinion of the Chinese "Clones" ??
  25. Didn't Cat have that HEUI Bizzo Too?? 3126 or C10 rings a Bell !!
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