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Everything posted by Hayseed

  1. I've seen a Bloke make up a Double ended extension Cord & plug It into a Powerpoint to power up his House during a Blackout..!! He Got quite Mouthy When I told Him His Suicide Cord was an Accident waiting to Happen..!! As Forrest gump would say; Stupid is as Stupid does..........
  2. Laurie, I'm pretty sure Mack Australia use SISU Hub reduction Diffs in the Titan...!
  3. Yeah Paul, The Older We get, The better We used to Be..!! OD; If you're like Me. The head is the safest thing to Land On...LOL Zina can Now Nursemaid for a week (or2)
  4. https://spareto.com/products/fte-slave-cylinder-clutch/kn38015a1
  5. Don't worry 'bout the paint Bob, They're only Original Once.... Get It running, Get It Roadworthy, Get It Rego'd & get out & enjoy It..!!
  6. To My way of Thinking you're going to have to make 2 Loads out of that..! It Looks far Too long to fit on a Flat Top Trailer, & if you load the Truck on the Lowboy then load that on a Flat Top, you will be (I think) Too High..!! Also what are the Loading Unloading facilities at either end Like.??
  7. India is a good source of Parts for them, Though they won't let you bring in Headgaskets anymore 'cause they contain asbestos..!!
  8. That will last forever & a day..!!! I've Got a 1926 Lister Petrol Motor (The Crankcase,Flywheels ect Look Indentical to That) That I drive My Sawbench with & cut All our Firewood with..!
  9. Just to Play Devils Advocate here.. maybe the Meter reader/Delivery guy/Utility worker Told Him about It..?? Having said that; Idjits that won't take NO for answer get on my Goat Too.. Had one here a while ago that right or wrong wanted to buy an Old Drop Deck Trailer I have sitting in the Yard. Him; How Much will you take for It..?? Me, Nothing It's NOT for sale. Him: Well What's It worth ?? Me: Nothing..!! Him: Well then, How much Does It owe You? Me: Absolutely Nothing...In Fact I owe It, Just about everything you can see here has been paid for with it's Earnings..!! What Part of NO Don't you understand..!!
  10. Too True, I've bought my share of Jun Collectibles this way..!!! Though I always do some research before calling. so as not to offend anyone.. Too much ..
  11. You can Blame al those American Picker style shows on reality TV. For all the Numbnuts coming in trying to do you a Huge Favour by lowballing you on something you have no intention of Selling.. I put a 6 foot high metal fence up so they Can't see anything from the Road..
  12. Too Cold For Me mate..!!!
  13. The Trucks will be less Maintenance, I reckon Too..!!
  14. Yep, What Paul said..!! $20K is a lot shallower Hole to fill, than the $30-40 FJH was talking about, Too.. Me being Me.. I would of rolled a set of bearings into the Old Girl while you Had her pants Off, & a new Clutch for your New Flywheel.. But hey, I know all about working to a Budget..!!
  15. When I Die that's how I want to Do it... None of this been sick/unhealthy for Months/Years............ Not that I will have any say in the Matter...😥
  16. Here's an Old B Model still working for a living....!!
  17. He last logged in a couple of Weeks ago...!!
  18. Me Too, Paul..!
  19. Please. It will save a Lot of second guessing..!
  20. Me Too.. Homelite turned to Crap when John Deere sold them to the Company that Owns Ryobi power tools. They now just use Homelite has their Budget Chineseium Built Crap outlet...!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelite_Corporation
  21. Have you checked that the Compressor Clutch is engaging? also have you looked in the sight glass on the receiver dryer for bubbles...??
  22. Welcome, Caleb. I'm Sure We'll get your Truck issues sorted.. After sitting for that length of Time the entire Air/Brake system will need a good dose of TLC, to ensure It's safe to use.. I'd see if you can use some "Shop Air" to pump up the Tank & Test if the Brakes ect are working as they Should. I'd also ensure that the Brass/Steel line directly out of the Compressor isn't Carboned up. The unloader valve sticking has already being Mentioned.. Just methodically go through all the Basics before spending money on a another Air compressor. would be My advice...Tax free Today..lol
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