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Tim Modine

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Everything posted by Tim Modine

  1. Thanks Joe! Yeah my bad on the year, Had a brain fart lol. Its a 2007. ill ck it out Thanks again
  2. Getting the 3-2 lightning bolt flashing code as well as a 5-8.Im concerned with both but the 3-2 sounds worrisome. Anyone have the 3-2 code and experience with it.Hoping its a sensor. Intermittently my intake manifold pressure gauge will read low around 5 psi then after a 1/2mile or so gets up to 30 psi ish. happens occasionally couple times a day. Any help or info would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. Changing shocks made all the difference. Thank you BMT!! and co
  4. As i would of thought different it is still available OEM replacement from dealer . Thanks for the input !.
  5. Evening Truckers, Hope all is safe from this crazy virus. My question is that I've got an 07' Mack CHN613 that i recently lost a cab air bag and the leveling gauge blew completely apart and lost all the pieces to it. So I was wondering if somebody can give me an idea where to measure from to get the leveling gauge to inflate the cab air bags to the right height since i lost the rod from the original leveling gauge the was in there. I took a guess but with the tractor and low boy and a 27tn excavator loaded its so bouncy that the cab will literally bottom out on the rebound going up after the cab compresses to absorb a bump. Un loaded it rides fine, but loaded is another story. Could those little cab shocks that i don't think have ever been changed with probably 659k miles on them part of the problem. Thanks in advance, Tim
  6. Ordered a pan from BH Oil pans. Should have the end of this week, under $1600 shipped 304 stainless,14 gauge sides and bottom and 3/16 flanges with with all mounting hardware and gasket. I'll post pics and a short review once received .
  7. I had my dealer check the oil capacity of my original OEM pan and they said 55 quarts. Exactly what the BH oil pan is rated for to replace my factory OEM rusted out junk. I’m ordering through them since they are closer to me logistically. I’m in NY they’re in PA.
  8. Another place that fabricates them for same price and same materials is snodepot in Madison SD. I’ll post pics of real thing once received. Thanks again for everyone’s input!
  9. Pics from bh oil pans
  10. I’m going to order one. They have none in stock. Takes a week to build and ship. As son as I get pics from them or mine gets to me. I’ll post pics on how they ship em finished before I install. They also said any heating probes or sensor holes they will put holes in no charge.
  11. 3/16 flanges and 14 gauge 304 ss sides and bottom from bh oil pans. I asked them to send pics of a finished one before shipping to see quality
  12. BH oil pans in PA for my replacement oil pan using oem part # quoted me $1600 for a pan and all mounting hardware made out of 304 stainless.
  13. Fjh my oem part # is 240GB5271M2. I think it’s 55 qts
  14. Fjh, MAK240GB5271M4 would this be the part number for the oil pan I'm looking for? Thanks for all the advice gents!
  15. 2007 Mack CHN613 AC460 motor. Would anyone know of a place I could get a deal on an aftermarket or OEM replacement oil Pan. Bottom of pan is completely rusting out, very porous, to thin to weld and will only keep getting worse. Are these pans from dealer really about $2000.00?. Dealer won't give out part number so if anyone has access to that would be appreciated. Thank you,
  16. Not sure what you exactly mean by that. Long story short I’ve developed a howling noise and trying to determine if turbo is beginning to fail. A shop said it sounded like an exhaust manifold leak.
  17. Wondering what the psi range is on this engine. I’m getting 28psi at full RPM with 27 ton machine on low boy. Thanks Tim Modine Modine Excavating
  18. Thanks mrgumby! For the info on the centrifuge filter and valve for turbo. I’ll have to go in and look at all the connections and hoses to turbo. Thanks again!
  19. Pic of canister where eng oil goes in and where i get like an impeller winding noise on shutdown. Other pic is of a valve that goes to the coalescing filter, and does anyone know what the purpose of the valve is for? Image isn't my engine, its just used to reference for questions. Thanks again if anyone has some information Tim Modine
  20. First post here and looking for advice. I've got an 07 CH 613N with AC460 engine. Ive recently heard a strange noise that is consistent with RPM. It kind of sounds like a bad pulley or loose belt skretch, most noticeable in low to mid range Rpm . Changed both belt tensioners, new fan belt, A/C belt is about 1 year old and made no change. My first question is, are there any warning signs to the clutch fan failing and second the canister where you add engine oil sounds as if there is an impeller inside and when shut truck down it makes a noticeable groan noise along with vibration when hand placed on on it. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank You, Tim Modine
  21. Where is the sensor located on an 07’ chn613? I’m getting the lightning bolt with the 1.3 code from time to time and only stays on for a bit, but will come on more than once during the day
  22. thank you ill check it out, happy Holidays
  23. first post here bought a 2007 chn 613 and wanted to know what the ride height measurement was for this truck is. equipped with 46k meritor rears and the 11" frame rails, where would the measurement be taken from. Also lmk if additional info is needed.Im pretty sure its the AL11 suspension thanks to anyone who has input
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