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Mike Stormo

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    Davenport Wa.

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    I am wanting to preserve my old dump truck

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  1. Could you send me a straight on photo of the front of the radiator? I need to reproduce the early brass Mack plaque. I am working on a 1918 AB.
  2. I am starting to restore a 1918 Mack model AB and I need a muffler or a set of cast iron ends that will work for my project.
  3. Try Pat Walsh in Wakefield Mass. 781-246-3266 He is a great old guy with a wealth of knowledge and a huge supply of parts. He also can make any vent window rubber.
  4. I had a set of vent windows cut by Bobs Auto Glass in Oregon. $75 included shipping
  5. I have a B57 with an 18000 pound Rockwell front axle and I am trying to find a pair of Bud style front hubs. I am trying to find out what other model Macks used this style hubs. It is also referred to as a straight axle. I know most people on this site will comment on keeping the wobblers but not an option for me. If I cant find the hubs I need I will change out the axle to something different. I was hoping to keep the stock axle in this rare low production truck. If anyone has a lead on the hubs please let me know. Mike Stormo
  6. I would have the door parts you need off a B61 I parted out.
  7. The basic hinges are the some from right to left. My left hinges were worn out so I took an extra set of right hinges and welded the door mounting holes shut and re drilled them off the pattern from the left, also I cut the little tab off and welded it to the other side. The right hinges are most often good.
  8. Rob you were right PSA 6A American Bosch. I found a guy a Spokane Diesel Pump that seems quite knowledgeable on these pumps. He said if I bring the charge pump to him he will have the parts, but kit no longer supplied
  9. Rob who is PIA and how do I get a hold of them? Do you have the part number for the kit for the fuel transfer pump for a rotary type injection pump? My Mack dealer is worthless unless you want a part for a peace of sh-t Volvo. They don't have one parts man that was born before my trucks were built.
  10. The frame is about 12" under the cab,back to almost the rear ends, then it narrows down to about 10". Makes it look like a fish belly.
  11. A am glad I don't have a contour cab, it is already so tight that Mack put in a narrow buddy seat. I was looking at things this morning an noticed that the hood and fender panels are made of aluminum. Are the B67 and other short hood models that way? The guy that I got it from said that it would hardly run,and had no power. I noticed that they put an electric fuel pump just out side the tank. I am going to change the filters tomorrow and try to get it started. If that doesn't work do you guys think the injector pump needs a rebuild? Or is there something else to try?
  12. My B53 has bud style wheels, I think I would like to make them the same. I am out west and there is no one that will, or knows how to change them. It has a dog house and a fish belly frame, as far as I can tell all the same specs. as my B53 except for the short hood. Can any body confirm that the front hubs would be the same as a DM and does anyone have a set they might sell. I have a complete set or Mack rears on camel back springs with s cam brakes, that should make it ride better. I think I am going to find a roll back bed for it and make a hauler, so a better ride would be important.
  13. The B57 showed up this morning. I got to get rid of those wheels, any body got bud hubs for a Rockwell front end?
  14. I just pulled the bucket off for the pictures Thank's
  15. I checked the turbo on the donor engine this morning and it looks like it might fit
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