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Doug T B42X

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About Doug T B42X


  • Location
    Philadelphia, Pa

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    Old cars and trucks, breweriana, craft beer, railroads

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  1. 1970 Diamond Reo C11464DB Road Tractor. Turbocharged Cummins. Fuller 10 Spd Road Ranger RT915 Transmission. Needs oil cooler. Some spare parts included. Doug (215) 870-2724 dougt83@hotmail.com
  2. Congratulations! I wish you the best. Nice truck, too!
  3. Is that a humidor? I'd love to have a shop like that. All my toys are outside for now. But seriously, I think this is a very good site, good forums, experienced people who differ sometimes but are not afraid to give their opinions. The only caveat I would add is that it benefits all when a poster gives as much information as possible. (I have not always followed my own advice!) Doug
  4. Thank you. I just removed one of the wires and taped it up.
  5. I would love to have one of those - two trucks in one!
  6. This is from the Double Clutch, ATCA bi-monthly magazine. Doug
  7. Thanks BOBWhite, I'll bear that in mind. Interesting to learn that the tests should be made with the generator regulator cover ON, not off. I'll admit I didn't make all the tests that Steve in the film did, but I am going to replace the generator regulator and hope for the best. I also noticed they didn't cover polarizing a replacement generator regulator, although that was not really the subject. Doug
  8. Thank you. I'll look around for that tomorrow.
  9. When I got this truck, the low air pressure buzzer worked normally, shutting off at about 60 psi. Then it started going off all the time. Then stopped entirely. Now it is back to going off all the time again. This truck has great air, no leaks. Where is the buzzer located? What is involved in changing it? Thanks, Doug
  10. Thanks for your reply. I took the cover off the regulator to check it, but that procedure looks too ambitious for me, so I'll button it up. I'll make sure the oil cups on generator and starter get some oil. I have a jump box and will keep some jumper cables handy, my brother will be there with his 79 LaFrance so that should be all right. I'll run the engine up to 1500-1800 tomorrow but I think I should be all right. Thanks again.
  11. Thank you all for your suggestions. I appreciate the benefit of your combined knowledge. Yesterday and today, I cleaned and tightened: battery terminals, starter ground and braided ground to frame, put new commutator cover on starter, cleaned terminals on generator, tightened belts on generator. It is still reading between 12.5 and 13.0 volts at the battery, and 12.5 volts at the generator. The biggest change is that it does not need to be jump started. Starts immediately again after running, after going to dinner last night, and again this afternoon. That's great. But still at 12.5 - 13.0 volts. Two questions: what about getting generator rebuilt? (I would also change twin belts) and Thursday I would like to take her to the parade, about three miles from my house, 1 hour waiting, 1 hour parade, three miles back?
  12. Without jump starting it just makes a noise like it is trying to crank, but then dies. Regarding the grounding to the starter, do you mean to run the battery ground to the same ground terminal that the starter uses? I'll check for the frame - body - engine grounding straps.
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