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OJ Avery

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Everything posted by OJ Avery

  1. Hi all. I have a 12 mp7 with US10 emissions that has some catalyst issues. Here's what's been done. New DPF, 7th injector ,doser, doser lines, doser pump, doser coolant lines, EGR valve , EGR venturi and EGR differential pressure lines and sensor. Here's the problem. After a few days it calls for a parked regen. Driver does it and then in 10 miles or so it asks for it again. What I have done, ACM learned data reset (I don't know if that was done when doser was replaced) and an After treatment Injector Adaptive Factor reset. (again I don't know if this was done when the 7th inj was replaced). It came into the shop today with no codes. soot level was at 4%. I put 140 miles on it today, half country roads , half highway. Soot level is now 40%. I had the ptt hooked to it and it never showed a rolling regen. 7th inj was never activated. My biggest question is does any one know at what point (soot level %) will a rolling regen happen and at what point (soot level %) does it call for a parked regen? And why would it call for a parked regen with a new dpf?
  2. You'll pull the tranny, support the engine, pull clutch/ flywheel /bellhousing. The Granites we have here that have a mp7 and a Mack 10 speed are supported in the rear by the bellhousing. The granites (06) that have an asset, the rear is supported on the trans
  3. with 37# of boost its not likely you have an intake leak. we have a lot of mp7's where I work and the 3 top probs are injectors, intakes and exhaust manifolds
  4. I had a mp7 no start. Supposedly started out as a hard start. Found a check ball in the primary fuel filter housing stuck open. I changed it and thought for sure it was solved. Didn't change a thing. After it sat for 5 minutes it would not restart. Changed the injectors and cups. Problem solved.
  5. Injectors solved the problem
  6. I tried the mack extractor but its such a fine thread it pulled right through. I ended up using a ford spark plug removal tool. I adapted to make work. did a great job. I have never seen such a carboned cup!! #3 & #4 were unbeliveable
  7. busted off 3 tips of the injector cups...ugh!! I've never done that before. I've probably changed out 10-12 sets.
  8. I didn't have any low pressure codes, I don't think I have ever had one. I already checked/ blew out the cooler lines, I have found them packed full of crap before as well a few times but this one was clean. I believe each time they were using bio. I work for NYS DOT and we have a lot of Macks from 08 to 15 so I have seen a lot of the common stuff. This 08 has never had injectors which is a little odd. I just thought for sure I fixed it when I found the stuck check ball in the fuel filter housing. well I'm off to order my 6 pack and get this done, thanks for your input, I appreciate it. The bad camshaft you had, was it just worn? or broke? Our trucks don't have a lot of miles but they get a lot of hours so we do go through a lot of injectors.
  9. so let me give you a little more detail to see if you still believe injectors. I got it all together from replacing filter housing. started good, ran great down the road. turbo had 38# of boost, pulled hills good. Now what I have experienced in the past (I've only been working on these mp7's for 5 years ) is the turbo wont build any more than 30# of boost with bad injectors. If they are bad, why would it still pull this amount of boost??
  10. thanks fjh, I was reading the mp8 posts on no start / hard start and came to the same conclusion. I'll do an air in fuel test tomorrow to confirm. I really thought I had solved it tho finding the one check ball stuck open on the secondary filter,I guess that was a problem too. Thanks for the response!!
  11. Update... I changed the filter head, one of the check balls for the filter (primary ) was stuck open. I thought this solved it...nope, now its a hard start. I replaced the fuel pressure regulator on the return side of the head as well as the valve/ banjo fitting on the filter head on the return to tank line. still hard start. Ive run it hard outside and it runs great but 30 seconds after shut down it has to crank a long time to catch. Help please!!
  12. I have an 08 mp7 no start. inactive codes mid 128 sid230 fmi 5. followed diagnostics out to a bad vecu. Will this cause a no start? Has been a hard start for a couple days, now a no start. Also has a #4 injector code for mech failure. I've had the injector code before but it still runs, poorly but still runs. I have been told about the air/fuel valve for the 7th injector back feeds air into the fuel system and for whatever reason will set the #4 injector fault. Thoughts?
  13. Thanks mackpro, I'll call the dealer tomorrow and inquire. We have access to fleet impact but when I searched for that campaign, nothing came up.
  14. Hi !! my first time here. I have a 12 granite with a mp7. I'm having high oil temps, but coolant temps are normal. The level is good. Where do I go from here? thanks in advance for the help O.J.
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